Seasonal Development of Microbial Activity in Soils of Northern Norway

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Seasonal development of soil microbial activity and bacterial biomass in sub-polar regions was investigated to determine the impacts of biotic and abiotic factors, such as organic matter content, temperature and moisture. The study was performed during spring thaw from three cultivated meadows and two non-cultivated forest sites near Alta, in northern Norway. Samples from all five sites showed increasing respiration rates directly after the spring thaw with soil respiration activity best related to soil organic matter content. However, distributions of bacteria] biomass showed fewer similarities to these two parameters. This could be explained by variations of litter exploitation through the biomass. Microbial activity started immediately after the thaw while root growth had a longer time lag. An influence of root development on soil microbes was proposed for sites where microorganisms and roots had a tight relationship caused by a more intensive root structure. Also a reduction of microbial activity due to soil compaction in the samples from a wheel track could not be observed under laboratory conditions. New methodological approaches of differential staining for live and dead organisms were applied in order to follow changes within the microbial community. Under laboratory conditions freeze and thaw cycles showed a damaging influence on parts of the soil bacteria. Additionally, different patterns for active vs. non-active bacteria were noticeable after freeze-thaw cycles. Seasonal development of soil microbial activity and bacterial biomass in sub-polar regions was investigated to determine the impacts of biotic and abiotic factors, such as organic matter content, temperature and moisture. The study was performed during spring thaw from three cultivated meadows and two non -cultivated forest sites near increasing shrimp with soil respiration rates best after related to soil organic matter content. However, distributions of bacteria] parameters. This could be explained by This variation of litter exploitation through the biomass. Microbial activity started immediately after the thaw while root growth had a longer time lag. An influence of root development on soil microbes was proposed for sites where microorganisms and roots had a tight relationship caused by a more intensive root structure. Also a reduction of mic robial activity due to soil compaction in the samples from a wheel track could not be observed under laboratory conditions. New methodological approaches of differential staining for live and dead organisms were applied in order to follow changes within the microbial community. Under laboratory conditions freeze and thaw cycles showed a damaging influence on parts of the soil bacteria. additionally, different patterns for active vs. non-active bacteria were noticeable after freeze-thaw cycles.
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科学是一种强有力的工具,究竟怎样用它,是给人类带来幸福,还是灾难,全取决于使用它的人。  ——爱因斯坦  华灯初上,齐正揉揉眉头,望着空中的蓝色光幕:“终于录入完成了,首席记者不好干哪!”背后的落地长窗外霓虹闪耀,将夜空印成红色。五天之后就是圣诞节了,自己得加紧忙完手头的事回家陪儿子过节。时至2516年,各国组成地球联盟,科技力量高度发达,智能产品与机器人成为生活的必需品。  “嘀”,腕上的iki