据《Wireless Tech》2006年第10期报道,Avago Technologies近日推出一款低热阻高线性度硅双极达林顿放大器。该放大器的工作频率为2.5GHz,其优异的可靠性和宽带性能,使其成为无线基站IF放大器和驱动放大器应用的理想选择。同时也适用于直播卫星和有线电视的IF放大器。其内置的5
According to “Wireless Tech” 2006 the 10th period reports, AvagoTechnologies has introduced a low thermal resistance high linearity silicon bipolar Darlington amplifier. Operating at 2.5GHz, this amplifier offers excellent reliability and wideband performance making it ideal for wireless base station IF and driver amplifier applications. Also applies to direct broadcast satellite and cable TV IF amplifier. Its built-in 5