How Singapore’s NGOs are alleviating the inequality caused by government policies and its demographi

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  This paper was conducted to investigate the significance of non governmentalorganisations (NGOs) in Singapore and address the hypothesis on how “NGOs can help to alleviate the existing social inequality in Singapore”.
  From previous research papers, the difference between the role of government and the society was not explicitly addressed. To achieve these objectives and improve from previous work, data on NGOs was collected using these 3 methods: government documents, web search, and survey responses. The findings demonstrated the key characteristics of NGOs that set them apart from government initiatives, proving that NGOs can help to fill up the gaps in current government policies and alleviate social inequality.
  Choice of topic
  Singapore is currently facing a rapidly aging population. In response, the government has implemented various policies.
  These policies also have their setbacks as not all Singapore citizens will be covered. Many foreign workers do not get to enjoy social security schemes such as the Central Provident Fund. Indeed, government policies alone are insufficient to alleviate the inequality gap. A combined effort will be more effective in the long term. To tackle these limitations, local non governmentalorganisations (NGOs) are increasing.
  Data Collection
  In this paper, I utilized the following three major sources for data collection.
  Government documents:
  This includes government regulations and laws for the NGOs in Singapore. Information about the Central Provident Fund can also be found from the government websites. This source provides an unbiased perspective on NGOs as information is collected from Singapore authorities .
  Web search of NGOs:
  When conducting the research through NGOs’ websites, many NGOs have been analysed by looking at their missions, target group and their aims. By going to each organization’s website, I can provide a more comprehensive overview of the organisation and its objective.
  The survey was conducted as an online survey so that respondents can easily access the questions from the website’s link. I have selected the respondents based on their exposure to NGOs in Singapore. The majority of the respondents are students who will definitely have some experience with NGOs or similar organisations due to compulsory service hours under the Ministry Of Education that they need to fulfill every year. This allows them to have sufficient personal experience and adequate awareness about the Singapore society to provide more insightful responses.   Survey summary
  Based on this survey, it is obvious that most of the participants do acknowledge NGOs’ efforts and contributions. Most respondents are optimistic towards Singapore’s NGOs and believe that they do act as an equaliser in the society that helps to fill up the gaps in the current society. While such NGOs are welcomed in the society, it is crucial to acknowledge its potential pitfalls. NGOs do experience more difficulties in terms of publicising their initiatives, attracting volunteers and raising funds from the general public as raised by survey respondents. These factors can affect the overall effectiveness of their initiatives and hence restricting NGOs from maximising their impacts. Strict regulations will remain necessary to supervise the various NGOs to ensure they meet the guidelines in place and prevent corruption from occurring. Government policies remain the more popular option for Singaporeans as they are highly effective and trustworthy. But when minority groups are not included in government policies, NGOs provide essential support to these groups and fill up the gaps in existing government policies.
  Singapore NGOs
  All NGOs in Singapore have altruistic objectives and are dedicated to the welfare of others. The main objectives of these organisations primarily revolve around the less affluent individuals or the minority groups in Singapore.
  Most of the NGOs have more specific beneficiaries. These organisations demonstrated how they aim to improve the lives of particular groups. These initiatives can provide more support for the minority groups compared to government policies. Indeed, it is impossible for the Singapore government to reach out to every single individual in the society. The NGOs serve as an equaliser to ensure every individual in the society is protected and supported.
  The Singapore government adopts strict regulations and laws to ensure the quality of NGOs. To set up an NGO, the organization’s main purpose should not have any commercial or monetary profit.
  Based on the survey result and available data, the hypothesis that “NGOs can help to alleviate the existing social inequality in Singapore” is proved. From the list of active NGOs, it shows that NGOs do help to alleviate social inequality. By targeting the specific minority groups in the Singapore society, NGOs ensure that every Singaporen is taken care of regardless of their backgrounds and nationality. It allows individuals who are unaware or not qualified for government initiatives to receive proper social and community assistance to improve the standard of living of every Singapore citizen. By ensuring that nobody is left behind, NGOs are the levellers that provide an equal playing field for every citizen. The unique demographic and economic structure also made these organisations crucial for the society. Society needs to recognise that NGOs do have their limitations such as lack of funds, volunteers and publicity. These setbacks will reduce the effectiveness of NGOs’ initiatives. However, it is still necessary for the society to acknowledge the contribution made by the NGOs that have contributed positively to Singapore. The NGOs also demonstrated the unique Singapore identity where many Singaporean is willing to help others in the society.
  在完成这篇论文的过程中,我学到了许多专业性的知识,以及搜索数据的技巧,还有如何运用论文资源去完善自己的论文。我通过这项研究对新加坡的社会及社会问题也有了更深入的了解。在这个过程中,我不但对新加坡产生了兴趣,也了解了当地的许多机构和政府部门。最重要的是,我逐渐找到了自己对商业和人类学的热爱。枯燥的研究报告也逐渐变得更加有趣。 通过不断的润色和打磨,我也学会了如何去呈现一篇优秀的论文。无论是在以后的学业上还是工作上,我相信这个独特的经历会对我带来启 发。
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近期,4月、5月的托福考试相继被取消,引发众多“准留学生”的关注和担忧。在4月7日的直播节目中,《留学》副总经理赵冰燃女士与ETS中国办公室代表、爱尔兰教育推广署负责人及一位學生家长从不同角度解读特殊时期学生关注的焦点问题,既有官方的专业指导,也有学生家长的切身体会,并热心回答了听众们的问题。  接下来,还有更多留学行业有关的热点话题上线,敬请关注。  您能否对托福考试最新的一些官方政策做一下介绍
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摘 要:[目的]通过研究当下网络环境的具体情境,利用概率分析的方式判断具体舆情所属的案例类型,从而为网络舆情危机响应决策提供依据。[方法]使用贝叶斯网络模型作为分析方法,构建网络舆情案例匹配的指标体系和案例匹配模型。[结果]通过48个网络舆情危机中的随机43个事件作为训练数据,构建贝叶斯网络模型,使用剩余5个网络舆情危机事件作为测试组,经检验测试样本案例匹配结果与事实相符。[结论]本文通过构建网络
〔摘 要〕网络舆论主题情感在线分析对舆情研判与管理起着十分重要的作用,当前的主题情感模型存在着主题与情感建模关系不紧密,情感挖掘偏斜等问题,容易造成舆情误判。文本在OLDA(On-Line Latent Dirichlet Allocation,OLDA)模型的基础上引入情感参数,并提出情感遗传思想,建立基于情感遗传的在线主题情感混合模型OTSCM(On-Line Topic and Sentim