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东海县的桃林、李埝地处偏僻山丘区,地多人少,水利工程配套差,粮食产量低而不稳,是这个县的边、贫区。去冬以来,东海县把山丘区水利建设重点转移到农田水利工程配套上,组织10万余人,集中分片挖土方。在李埝进行了围山、截岭蓄水;在桃林开展了万亩片丘陵梯田的平整改造,开沟挖河,引水上山,干了大量的土方工程。为使当年工程当年发挥效益,除了早规划、早设计、早动工外,在资金筹集上,强调乡村自办,对配套任务大的骨干工程,国家同乡村合办,增加对这一地区的投入。仅桃 Donglin County, Taoling, Li Zhuo is located in remote areas of the hills, less people and more, supporting poor water projects, low and unstable grain output is the county’s border and poor areas. Since the winter, Donghai County, the focus of the hill water conservancy construction farmland water conservancy project transferred to supporting the organization of more than 10 people, concentrated piece of digging earth. Conducted in Li Kui Wai Hill, cut ridge water storage; in Taolin to carry out the mu of hilly terraces transformation, dredging dredging, diversion up the mountain, did a lot of earthworks. In order to bring the year’s project benefits, in addition to early planning, early design and early start-up, on the fund-raising, we emphasize that the village should run its own business and support the key projects with large supporting tasks. The state should jointly organize with the rural areas and increase their investment in this area . Only peach
崇洋消费。大到彩电、摩托、空调,小到口红、香水、钢笔,许多家庭过于偏爱洋货,形成了唯洋为是,非洋不用,无洋不求的心理。 节日消费。不少家庭平日勤俭节约,到日就大手大脚
[...]Aus der dunklenffnung des ausgetretenen Inwendigen des Schuhzeuges starrt die Mühsal der Arbeitsschritte.In der derbgediegenen Schwere des Schuhzeuges i
引言 Bickel(1990)和Lines(1993)曾经研究了水平反射层常规偏移前(时间域)速度分析中速度/深度的不确定性。Rathor(1997)将这种分析扩展到了倾斜反射层。这些研究回答了在传
1 引言  石油体系的模拟包括油气生成、排出和运移 ,因此解决热和流体运移的问题以及化学过程的动力是数字计算的主要方面。将分离的相态流动作为油气二次运移的主要运移
“I’ve a smile on my face,I walk down the lane,with a happy refrain.I’m singing,singing in the rain,in the rain.”(我的脸上露出微笑,我走在街上,唱着欢乐的歌。