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当2001年底中国宣布加入 WTO 时,中国的银行家们明白:自己曾经完全独享的这个全世界最后一个金融处女地即将敞开大门——本土银行和外资银行就要相遇了。而对于中国工商银行上海市分行来说,“金融开放前沿”的地位令其早已开始体验这种遭遇。工行作为我们服务多年的客户,我们上海博派广告对此也深有感触。1949年成立的中国工商银行,前身是中国人民银行,也就是中央银行(这段历史令我们相当敬畏)。半个多世纪以来与新中国金融共同发展,随时代变迁而不断更新完善,也不断地发展壮大。目前,中国工商银行是国内最大的商业银行,总资产超过4万亿元,多年来一直稳居世界500强之列,2001年,被世界金融界权威刊物《银行家》杂志评为全球第七大银行,并连续三年被该杂志评为“中国最佳银行”。这样一个金融巨人,在沿承了人民银行衣钵的同时,为适应由改革开放而日益发展的国内金 When China announced its accession to the WTO in late 2001, Chinese bankers understood that the world’s last financial maidenland, once completely exclusive, was about to open its doors - local banks and foreign banks had to meet. As for the ICBC Shanghai branch, the position of “leading edge of financial opening” has already begun to experience such an experience. ICBC as our customer service for many years, we Haibo party ads are also deeply touched. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, established in 1949, was formerly the People’s Bank of China, the Central Bank (we are rather awe in this history). More than half a century since the new China’s financial development, change with the times and constantly updated and improved, but also continue to grow and develop. Currently, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the largest commercial bank in China with total assets of more than 4 trillion yuan, ranking the top 500 in the world for many years. In 2001, it was ranked the seventh in the world by the magazine “Banker” by the world’s leading financial magazine Big bank, and for three consecutive years by the magazine as “China’s best bank”. While such a financial giant inherits the mantle of the People’s Bank of China, in order to adapt to the growing domestic gold by reform and opening up
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