Research progress of transparent conducting ZnO:Al (ZAO) films

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyong
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Owing to both of its high carrier concentration and large band gap, ZnO:Al (ZAO) films which is an n-type degenerate semiconductor, exhibits low resistance and high transmittance in the visible range. This work studies the crystal structure, optical and electrical properties and preparation methods of ZAO films, and discusses the existing problems and application prospective of ZAO films. Owing to both of its high carrier concentration and large band gap, ZnO: Al (ZAO) films which is an n-type degenerate semiconductor, exhibits low resistance and high transmittance in the visible range. This work studies the crystal structure, optical and electrical properties and preparation methods of ZAO films, and discusses the existing problems and application prospective of ZAO films.
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