
来源 :中国建材 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ak19820701
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《当代中国》建材、非金属矿编辑部,为了编好《当代中国的建筑材料工业》和《当代中国的非金属矿及其制品工业》两卷书,特向各地建材和非金属矿主管部门、各建材和非金属矿及其制品的企业事业单位和个人,广泛征集我国建材和非金属矿工业的发展史料,望各单位大力支持,及时提供。征集范围如下: 1.中央和地方党政机关和领导同志对发展建材和非金属矿工业的文件、指示、题词、手 The editorial department of “Contemporary China” building materials and non-metallic minerals has written two volumes of “Contemporary China’s Building Materials Industry” and “Contemporary China’s Non-Metallic Minerals and Their Products Industry”, specializing in building materials and non-metallic minerals authorities The enterprises, institutions and individuals of various building materials and non-metallic minerals and their products have collected historical materials on the development of China’s building materials and non-metal minerals industry. We hope that all units will provide strong support and provide them in a timely manner. The scope of the solicitation is as follows: 1. Documents, instructions, inscriptions, and hand of the central and local party and government organs and leading comrades on the development of building materials and non-metallic mineral industries.
久保田联合收割机PR0 4 81型是去年我市农机部门引进的第一台科技含量高、机械作业性能好的联合收割机。夏收季节到来前 ,厦门市农机监理所和集美区农机站组织农机技术人员对机
7月 2 1日 ,朱品镇梅林村机手周代元高高兴兴地来到县监理站办理了有关年检手续 ,他激动地拉着陈站长的手说 :“多亏了你们的指点 ,让我这沉睡多年的一堆‘废铁’又焕发了生
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在维修中 ,我曾遇到两台1 95型柴油机因机体油道出现砂眼而烧瓦的事故。当时使用者介绍 ,柴油机启动后 ,无异常现象 ,机油压力表指示数也很正常 ,可是工作一段时间 ,柴油机突
沈阳市发展热电结合,集中供热,联片采暖的实践,说明这是节约能源、改善环境、利国利民的有效措施,前途广阔,大有可为。 The development of combined heat and power, conc