迟到的约定 斯潘诺里斯

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2004年斯潘诺里斯宣布参加NBA选秀,然而在正式选秀之前,除了活塞曾与他有过短暂的接触之外,甚至没有一支球队邀请过他到球队参加试训,这使得斯潘诺里斯原本以为即便自己有幸能在当年进入NBA,除了活塞,恐怕也再难有别的归宿。然而出人意料的是,最终是火箭与小牛达成了协议,用自己选中的第55顺位的路易斯·佛洛莱斯和部分现金换来了小牛在第二轮第50顺位选中的斯潘诺里斯,使其NBA之梦得圆。而且据道森所曾透露的,早在2004年选秀之前火箭就已观察斯潘诺里斯长达三年之久,然而至于为什么从未邀请他参加火箭的训练营,斯潘诺里斯至今回忆起来仍觉得想不明白。 Spanoulis announced in 2004 NBA Draft, however, before the official draft, in addition to the Pistons have had a brief contact with him, not even a team invited him to the team to participate in the training, which makes Span Norris originally thought even if they had the honor to enter the NBA then, in addition to the Pistons, I am afraid it is difficult to have another destination. Surprisingly, however, the Rockets finally reached an agreement with the Mavericks, with their own selected 55th overall Louis Florores and part of the cash in exchange for the Mavericks in the second round of the 50th overall selected Span Norris, the dream of the NBA. And according to Dawson’s disclosure, the Rockets have been observing the Spannores for as long as three years before the 2004 draft, but as for why he had never been invited to a rocket training camp, Spanorris remembered so far Still feel like do not understand.
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