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毛主席在中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會第一屆第三次全體會議上號召全國人民“增加生產,厲行節約,以支持中國人民志願軍”,並號召各種知識分子進一步推進自我教育和自我改造運動。毛主席說:“思想改造,首先是各種知識分子的思想改造,是我國在各方面徹底實現民主改革和逐步實行工業化的重要條件之一。”現在全國各地已轟轟烈烈地展開了反貪污、反浪費、反官僚主義的運動;這個運動不僅是在政治上和經濟上有偉大的意義,即是在思想的改造上也是極關重要的。科學工作者通過這個運動可以更明確地認識“为誰服務”的問題,站穩人民的立場。在這裏,我們從報章雜誌上選錄了幾段有關科學工作者思想改造的文件,以供給科學工作者以及學習科學的同學們作为参考。——編者識 知識分子,特別是科學家在今天國家工業、農業和國防建設上,在提高人民生活水平上擔負著非常重大的任務。但在知識分子中間還存在着許多嚴重的錯誤思想,首先要把這些思想包袱丢掉,用馬克思列寧主義來把自己武裝起來,才能擔負起國家所賦予的光榮的任務 At the first plenary session of the first session of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Chairman Mao called on all the people in the country to “increase production and practice economy in order to support the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army” and urged all kinds of intellectuals to further promote the self-education and self-transformation movement. Chairman Mao said: “Ideological reform, above all, the ideological reform of all kinds of intellectuals is one of the important conditions for our country’s complete realization of democratic reforms and the gradual implementation of industrialization in all fields.” Now that the anti-corruption and anti-waste , Anti-bureaucratic movement; this movement is not only of great political and economic significance, but also crucial in its transformation. Through this campaign, scientists can more clearly understand the issue of “serving for whom” and stand firm on the people’s position. Here, we have taken several paragraphs from newspapers and magazines on the ideological remoulding of scientists for reference to scientists and students who are learning science. - Editor’s Knowledge Intellectuals, especially scientists, take a very important task in raising the standard of living of the people in today’s national industry, agriculture and national defense. However, there are still many serious erroneous ideas among the intellectuals. It is necessary to first discard these ideological burdens and use Marxism-Leninism to arm themselves in order to shoulder the glorious task entrusted to them by the state
将 Zm2 上的正形置换推广到 Zmp 上 ,利用正形置换多项式的概念及有关结果给正形置换一种刻划 ,并证明了正形置换多项式的几条性质 ,最后讨论了正形置换的构造问题 The orth
徐荣是南通师范附属小学的女教师,二十二岁,现在已被评选为南通市的优秀教师. 她是一九五一年暑期在南通师范毕业的.毕业後被分配到附小来工作。初次到校,因为缺乏实际工作
  A major challenge for the field of organic spintronics is how to achieve largemagnetoresistance (MR) in a reliable manner.We have developed a new avenue tha