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英语复述是在理解和记忆课文的基础上,把所学的课文内容进行整理,然后自己用英语有重点、有条理并有表情地叙述出来。采取有效的办法进行英语复述训练,是提高英语表述能力的一条重要途经。同学们可用以下六种方法进行英语复述训练。 一、根据课文插图复述 现行中学英语教材中的课文一般都是图文并茂的,这大大有助于我们采用直观手段进行复述训练。如,15课(SBI)Napoleon’s Three Questions,我们可以先看250页上的插图,再结合课文内容复述拿破仑检阅部队问的哪三个问题及这次问三个问题所引出的“啼笑皆非”的有趣故事。 二、按照提纲复述 The English retelling is based on the understanding and memory of the text, sorting out the content of the learned text, and then narrating it in English in a focused, organized and expressive manner. Taking an effective approach to English rehearsal training is an important way to improve English presentation skills. Students can use the following six methods for English rehearsal training. I. Retelling according to the text illustrations The texts in the current middle school English textbooks are generally illustrated, which greatly contributes to the use of intuitive means for rehearsal training. For example, in the 15th lesson (SBI) Napoleon’s Two Questions, we can look at the illustrations on page 250 and repeat the three questions asked by Napoleon to review the troops’ questions together with the content of the text and the three questions asked by this time are not funny. story. Second, according to the outline retelling
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