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开展国际中转箱运输是确立国际航运中心重要标志之一。 日前,就我国沿海大多数港口而言,仍然只是亚洲地区一些港口的喂给港。以上海港为例,1995年国际集装箱吞吐量153万标箱,但干线船舶运量仅17万TEU,只占11%。说明上海港仅仅是支线集散型港口。事实上,我国沿海港口也都是这种支线集散型港口。抓紧建设确立地区性的国际集装箱中转枢纽港(海上转运型港口),已得到各级领导的充分重视。1996年初,中集总部已率先在上海港、青岛港开展了国际集装箱中转业务。 一、“国际中转箱”的概念问题 所谓“国际中转箱”,上海海关的定义是:由境外启运需经上海港换装国际航线船舶后继续运往第三国或地区指运口岸的集装箱。青岛海关的定义是:由境外以海运方式指运境内一个设立海关的口岸,换装运输工具后,不通过中国陆地再运往国外的集装箱。 Carrying out the international transit box transport is one of the important symbols of establishing the international shipping center. Recently, as far as most of China’s coastal ports are concerned, it is still only the port of feed to some ports in Asia. For example, in the above seaport, the international container throughput in 1995 was 1.53 million TEUs. However, the shipping volume of mainline vessels was only 170,000 TEUs, only 11%. This shows that Shanghai Port is only a branch-type distribution port. In fact, China’s coastal ports are also such branch-type distribution port. Efforts to establish a regional hub for international container transshipment (transshipment port at sea) and pay close attention to them have been given full prominence by leaders at all levels. In early 1996, CIMC headquarters took the lead in carrying out international container transit business in Shanghai Port and Qingdao Port. First, the concept of “international transit box,” The so-called “international transit box,” Shanghai Customs is defined as: the departure of foreign countries to be transhipment of international routes by the Shanghai Port after the ship continues to be shipped to the third country or region, the container handling port. Qingdao Customs is defined as: a means by sea by means of maritime transport within the territory of a customs port set up, after the transport equipment, not through China, land and then shipped to foreign containers.
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