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科威特科学研究所海水养殖场养殖的巨石斑鱼(Epinephelus tauvina)和银黑鲷(Acanthopagrus cuvieri)患过多种疾病。在原生动物刺激隐核虫(Cryptocaryon irritans)刚暴发时,养殖在混凝土池塘中的巨石斑鱼幼鱼就有50%以上死亡。用福尔马林药物(35—50毫克/升、5小时/天、一星期两次)来控制和阻止病情的发展。福尔马林治疗过的实验鱼又几次遭这寄生虫的侵袭,但没再死鱼。巨石斑鱼还患有严重的眼病,病症为眼球突出和角膜不透明。养在玻璃纤维桶中的鱼仅35%没患此特发病。1985年7—11月,开放式网箱中的银黑鲷除有些烂鳍外没别的病症。烂鳍随着养殖密度的增加而增加。1986年冬天,发生了另一种病,当时平均水温14.8℃,65%的鱼死亡,从患病死的银黑鲷中分离到弧菌,有Vibrio anguillaran,V.ordalli、V.carchariae、V.damaela和另三种弧菌。1987年8月,网箱养殖的银黑鲷发生与峡部损伤有关的死亡。在饵料中加入维生素C(500毫克/公斤)喂养后,这种病症就没再出现。 Epinephelus tauvina and Acanthopagrus cuvieri, farmed at the Kuwait Institute of Marine Aquaculture, suffer from a variety of diseases. More than 50% of giant grouper juveniles cultured in concrete ponds died just after the outbreak of protozoan Cryptocaryon irritans. Formalin (35-50 mg / L, 5 hours / day, twice a week) is used to control and stop the progression of the disease. The experimental fish treated with formalin were attacked by the parasite several times, but no dead fish were found. Grouper also suffers from severe eye disease with prominent and corneal opacities. Only 35% of the fish kept in glass fiber drums do not have this idiopathic disease. July-November 1985, silver cichlids in open cages, except for some bad fin no other symptoms. Rotten fin increases with increasing stocking density. Another disease occurred in the winter of 1986 when Vibrio anguillaran, V.ordalli, V. carchariae, V (Vibrio anguillaran), Vibrio were isolated from the dead silver black snapper, when the average water temperature was 14.8 ° C and 65% of the fish died. .damaela and three other vibrios. In August 1987, deaths associated with isthmic injury occurred in silver-crested black-necked farmed cages. After feeding vitamin C (500 mg / kg) in the diet, the condition does not recur.
1981年以来,利用1500亩小夹江进行大规格长江系草鱼、青鱼、鲢、鳙四大家鱼原种亲鱼的选育。从1984年到1988年已提供长江系四大家鱼原种亲本9519尾共41282.65千克. Since 19
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本文重点对中国对虾(Penaeus oriemalis Kishinouye)“红腿病”进行物治防治的研究,试验中可看到患“红腿病”的试验虾,在药物的作用下,能控制病情的发展与蔓延,减少死亡。特