
来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hartyao
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In this paper,we propose a saliency detection model for RGB-D images based on the contrasting features of color and depth within a Bayesian framework.The depth feature map is extracted based on superpixel contrast computation with spatial priors.We model the depth saliency map by approximating the density of depth-based contrast features using a Gaussian distribution.Similar to the depth saliency computation,the color saliency map is computed using a Gaussian distribution based on multi-scale contrasts in superpixels by exploiting low-level cues.By assuming that color-and depth-based contrast features are conditionally independent,given the classes,a discriminative mixed-membership naive Bayes(DMNB)model is used to calculate the final saliency map from the depth saliency and color saliency probabilities by applying Bayes’theorem.The Gaussian distribution parameter can be estimated in the DMNB model by using a variational inference-based expectation maximization algorithm.The experimental results on a recent eye tracking database show that the proposed model performs better than other existing models.
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