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1990年,24岁的单身母亲J·K·罗琳乘坐的由曼彻斯特前往伦敦国王十字车站的火车误点。就在几个小时的漫长等待中——仿佛是被魔法击中——罗琳看见一个瘦弱、黑发、戴眼镜的小巫师在车窗外向她微笑。于是,今天用魔杖指向115个国家,用魔法征服了无数儿童和成人的小巫师——哈利·波特就这样诞生了。 In 1990, the 24-year-old single mother JK Rowling delayed a train from Manchester to King’s Cross in London. In just a few hours of long wait - as if it were hit by magic - Rowling saw a thin, dark-haired, eye-wearing little wizard smile at her out of the window. So today, with wands pointing to 115 countries, magic wizardry conquered countless children and adult young wizards - Harry Potter was born.
<正> The authors took simultaneously two timeaverage holograms of the first-order bending vibration of an air compressor blade. There are forty clear interferen
<正> Since the discovery of lithium alkyls as synthetic reagents, alkyl chlorides become more
<正> Let f∈C[-1, 1] and Tx(x)=cos(n are cosx) be the Chebyshev polynomial of degree n. Tn(x) has all its zeros in (-1, 1), at the points xkn=cos ((2k-1)/2n)π(k=1,…, n). We
<正> Several papars have been published on the extraction separation of rare-earth elements with di-sec-octyl methylphosphonate
<正> The author for the first time made a systematic study of the dependance of amorphous superconducting energy gaps 2△0 upon superconducting transition tempe
<正> To understand how the order arises via photo-physical processes in living organisms and how the biological order is maintained and transmitted through meta
<正> Let f∈C°(I, I). Denote P(f) and ent (f) the set of periodic points of f and the topological
<正> In order to see whether a different lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme pattern could be found in T and B lymphocytes, we studied the LDH isoenzymes of EA
<正> I. Suppose we have p1(x),…, pr(x)∈C[0,1],r≥1, P(D)=Dr+…+pr-1(x)D+pr(x)I, where D=d/dx, I is the identity operator. Let W? be the class of the rth differentiable