
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hgs26
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1日国家发展改革委发出《关于开展教育收费专项检查的通知》。通知规定,专项检查的范围是各级各类学校、地方政府及行政主管部门涉及教育的收费行为。重点检查2010年秋季开学以来发生的收费行为(具有连续性的重大乱收费行为可追溯到上一年度)。专项检查从9月1日开始,至12月15日结束。检查工作分为自查自纠、重点检查、处理整改三个阶段。各阶段的实施时间由省级价格主管部门结合地方实际作出具体安排。 On January 1, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the “Notice on Carrying Out the Special Inspection of Educational Fees.” The circular stipulates that the scope of the special inspection is that all kinds of schools, local governments and administrative departments at all levels should pay for education. Focuses on the charges that have occurred since the fall of 2010 (the continuum of major unlawful fees can be traced back to the previous year). The special inspection will start on September 1 and end on December 15. Inspection is divided into self-examination and self-correction, focusing on inspection, rectification and reform of the three stages. The implementation of the various stages of the time by the provincial price department in conjunction with the actual arrangements made by the local.
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