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三峡工程,中国人民经过70多年的探索,40多年的论证,几代人的梦想,将在改革开放的今天成为现实。1994年12月14日,国务院总理李鹏代表党中央、国务院在“三峡工程开工庆典大会”上庄严宣布:“三峡工程正式开工!”于是,在这世纪之交的年代里,正式拉开了我国水电建设跨世纪工程的帷幕。三峡工程是当今世界级的特大工程,是我国水电建设事业的空前壮举,也是我国水电工程建设史上的里程碑,她标志着中国水电工程建设的技术水平已处于世界领先水平。 After more than 70 years of exploration, more than 40 years of demonstration and several generations of dreams, the Three Gorges Project and the Chinese people will become reality today through the reform and opening up. On December 14, 1994, Premier Li Peng, on behalf of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, solemnly announced on the opening ceremony of the “Three Gorges Project”: “The Three Gorges Project was officially started!” Thus, at the turn of the century, China officially opened our door Hydropower construction across the century curtain of the project. The Three Gorges Project is a world-class large-scale project today, an unprecedented feat of hydropower construction in China and a milestone in the history of hydropower construction in China. She indicated that the technological level of hydropower projects in China has reached the advanced level in the world.
“易翔牌”巢础 ,在激烈的市场竞争中能取得今天的辉煌业绩 ,完全是靠精湛的技术力量和现代化加工设备及独特配方 ,赢得了国际蜂业友人青睐。自 1 993年第 3 3届国际养蜂博览
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中国政府将2003年宏观调控的主要预期目标确定为——经济增长率7%左右,但史蒂芬·罗奇预测中国全年将有7.5%的实质GDP增长 The Chinese government has set the main target
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