
来源 :计算机研究与发展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganyi123
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1986年来到了,三十年前的春天,党中央、周总理、聂荣臻同志领导科技界制定《十二年科学技术远景规划》,决定采取紧急措施,创建我国的计算机事业。中国计算机学会在这样一个值得回忆的年份里,将要举办一系列的活动,总的主题是“回顾、展望、前进”。回顾我国计算机科学技术、教育、生产和应用的发展历程,总结经验、找出差距、选择发展方向、重点和突破口,提出前进的战略目标和设想;交流近几年在科学研究、产品开发、人才培养和推广应用方面取得的重大成果和成功的经验,跟踪世界先进技术水平,研究从世界上第一台计算机诞生至今的几十年是怎样发展过来的,以便更好地发展我国的计算机事业。我们认为这是很有意义的,是以积极奋进的姿态来纪念我国计算机事业开创的30周年。 In 1986, thirty years ago, in the spring of 30 years, Comrades of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Premier Zhou and Nie Rongzhen led the scientific and technological circles in formulating the “Twelve-Year Scientific and Technological Vision Plan” and decided to take urgent measures to create the computer cause in our country. China Computer Society in such a memorable year, will hold a series of activities, the overall theme is “review, look forward, forward.” Reviewing the development history of computer science and technology, education, production and application in our country, summing up experience, finding out the gap, choosing development direction, key points and breakthroughs, putting forward strategic goals and assumptions for progress; exchanging views on scientific research, product development, Train and popularize the applications and achievements made in the past, track the world’s advanced technology levels, and study how the decades from the birth of the first computer in the world have evolved in order to better develop the computer industry in our country. We think this is very significant. We are commemorating the 30th anniversary of the founding of our computer cause with the active and proactive attitude.
便利店这种新兴的零售形态已经在我国上海与广东地区呈现 ,通过迈克尔·波特教授在《竞争优势》一书提供的“五力模型”分析了便利店产生与市场的竞争情况 ,并指出我国便利店
目的 比较测定正视和近视儿童的张力性调节(TA) 的两种方法。方法 应用计算机和示波器制成DOG 视标, 再用DOG 视标法和近注视检影法分别测定67 例(67 只眼) 9 ~14 岁儿童的TA 值。结果 正视儿童的
对于支持眼压升高作为原发性开角型青光眼(POAG) ,诊断必要条件的医师来说,正常眼压性青光眼(NTG) 的诊断是困难的。正常眼压性青光眼的概念提出了区分眼压依赖性与非眼压依赖性发病因素的
我科自1996年10月~1998年10月采用神经生长因子耳穴位注射,治疗感音神经性耳鸣患者73例,取得了较好的临床效果,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 本组耳鸣患者73例(87耳),男48例,女25
Z80-SIO是比较复杂的接口电路。它涉及到计算机系统和数据通信等方面的技术。本文着重讨论SIO的内部结构,SDLC方式下发送单元和接收单元的操作过程以及驱动程序的编制。 Z80
一、问题的提出 8031、8035单片机以较高的性能/价倍比而拥有众多的用户,但因其自身没有开发调试功能,还必须借助开发工具进行编程。已有的开发装置因价格昂贵,操作不便不宜
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of antioxidant supplementation in preventi ng kwashiorkor in a population of Malawian children at high risk of developing k