Fast parallel Grad–Shafranov solver for real-time equilibrium reconstruction in EAST tokamak using g

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eworld5008
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To achieve real-time control of tokamak plasmas, the equilibrium reconstruction has to be completed sufficiently quickly. For the case of an EAST tokamak experiment, real-time equilibrium reconstruction is generally required to provide results within 1ms. A graphic processing unit(GPU) parallel Grad–Shafranov(G-S) solver is developed in P-EFIT code,which is built with the CUDA? architecture to take advantage of massively parallel GPU cores and significantly accelerate the computation. Optimization and implementation of numerical algorithms for a block tri-diagonal linear system are presented. The solver can complete a calculation within 16 μs with 65×65 grid size and 27 μs with 129×129 grid size, and this solver supports that P-EFIT can fulfill the time feasibility for real-time plasma control with both grid sizes. To achieve real-time control of tokamak plasmas, the equilibrium reconstruction has to be completed successfully quickly. For the case of an EAST tokamak experiment, real-time equilibrium reconstruction is generally required to provide provide results within 1ms. A graphic processing unit (GPU) parallel and Grad-Shafranov (GS) solver is developed in P-EFIT code, which is built with the CUDA® architecture to take advantage of massively parallel GPU cores and substantially accelerate the computation. Optimization and implementation of numerical algorithms for a block tri-diagonal The solver can complete a calculation within 16 μs with 65 × 65 grid size and 27 μs with 129 × 129 grid size, and this solver supports that P-EFIT can fulfill the time feasibility for real-time plasma control with both grid sizes.
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