A pilot study on diagnosis of coronary artery disease using computed tomography first-pass myocardia

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biote | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nocloud
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Background:Although computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) can identify coronary stenosis,little data exists on the ability of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) to detect myocardial perfusion defects at rest.Methods:In 33 patients with diagnosed or suspected coronary artery disease (CAD),CTCA using retrospective electrocardiography (ECG) gating at rest and invasive coronary angiography (ICA) was performed.The 2D myocardial images were reconstructed in diastolic and systolic phases using the same raw data for CTCA.CT values of the myocardium were used as an estimate of myocardial enhancement,which were shown by color mapping.Myocardial ischemia was defined as a pattern of transient endocardial hypo-enhancement at systole and normal enhancement at diastole.The results of ICA were taken as the reference standard.Results:When a diameter reduction of more than 50% in ICA was used as diagnostic criteria of CAD,the sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value (PPV),and negative predictive value (NPV) of CT first-pass myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) at rest were 0.85,0.67,0.92,and 0.50 per patient,respectively,and 0.58,0.93,0.85,and 0.76 per vessel,respectively.Conclusions:CT first-pass MPI at rest could detect CAD patients,which could become a practical and convenient way to detect ischemia,consequently offering the ability for MSCT to act as a “one stop shop” for the diagnosis of CAD. Background: Although computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) can identify coronary stenosis, little data exists on the ability of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) to detect myocardial perfusion defects at rest. Methods: In 33 patients with coronary artery disease diagnosed or suspected ), CTCA using retrospective electrocardiography (ECG) gating at rest and invasive coronary angiography (ICA) was performed. The 2D myocardial images were reconstructed in diastolic and systolic phases using the same raw data for CTCA. CT values ​​of the myocardium were used as an estimate of myocardial enhancement, which were shown by color mapping. Myocardial ischemia was defined as a pattern of transient endocardial hypo-enhancement at systole and normal enhancement at diastole. The results of ICA were taken as the reference standard. Results: When a diameter reduction of more than 50% in ICA was used as diagnostic criteria of CAD, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negat ive predictive value (NPV) of CT first-pass myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) at rest were 0.85,0.67,0.92, and 0.50 per patient, respectively, and 0.58,0.93,0.85, and 0.76 per vessel, respectively. Conclusions: CT first-pass MPI at rest could detect CAD patients, which could become a practical and convenient way to detect ischemia, provision offering the ability for MSCT to act as a “one stop shop” for the diagnosis of CAD.
“一念之欲不能制,而祸流于滔天。”党的十八大以来,一些党员领导干部因腐败落马,“放松思想改造”成为忏悔录中出现频率最高的字眼。  毛泽东同志曾经指出:“房子是应该经常打扫的,不打扫就会积满了灰尘;脸是应该经常洗的,不洗也就会灰尘满面。我们同志的思想,我们党的工作,也会沾染灰尘的,也应该经常打扫和洗涤。”打扫和洗涤的办法,对个人而言,重要的是多些“自我巡视”,经常对照标准和要求来审视自己,修正言行、
根据蠕虫状石墨铸铁的性能可以看出,它是一种介于灰铁和球铁之间的铸造材料。由于它具有特殊的机械和物理性能,所以特别适用于生产对机械性能和热负荷要求较高的铸件。 Acc