One Step Closer to Full Pension Coverage

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Pension program for unemployed urban residents becomes an indispensable part of the country’s pension system Every citizen is entitled to enjoy equal access to pension programs.It is a basic right endowed by the Constitution.For the Chinese Government,covering every citizen with the pension scheme is a solemn promiset o everyone.On July 1,2011,the pension programf or unemployed urban residents was implemented,which would provide much needed support for urban residents without jobs and Pension program for unemployed urban residents becomes an indispensable part of the country’s pension system Every citizen is entitled to enjoy equal access to pension programs. It is a basic right endowed by the Constitution. For the Chinese Government, covering every citizen with the pension scheme is a solemn promiset o everyone.On July 1, 2011, the pension program or or unemployed urban residents was implemented, which would provide much needed support for urban residents without jobs and
【摘要】近些年,我国企业出现了跨越式的发展,资金管理作为企业财务管理的重要内容,在企业向集团化方向发展中,越来越受到人们的广泛关注。本文首先对企业资金集中管理及进行集中管理的重要性进行了阐述,结合企业集团发展实际,分析了现在企业集团资金集中管理模式,旨在提高对资金管理模式的重视,促进企业长远发展。  【关键词】企业集团 资金集中 管理模式  随着我国经济的快速发展,国内企业呈现出了欣欣向荣的景象。
China’s social safety net extends to unemployed city residents With an aging population of moret han 100 million presenting unforeseen obstacles to ensure bene
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