典藏历史精华 展示中华文明——记中国国家博物馆

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记得从小就听说过,在伟大的天安门广场上有一座革命博物馆,后来终于有机会随大人去参观,看到了那里很多有纪念意义的藏品:夺去李大钊烈士生命的绞架,黄继光烈士的冲锋枪,开国大典的第一面五星红旗…… I remember when I was young, I heard that there was a revolutionary museum on the great Tiananmen Square. Later I finally had the chance to visit with adults. I saw a lot of memorable collections there: the gallows that took the life of Li Dazhao martyrs, the assault rifles of the martyr Huang Jiguang, Founding ceremony of the first five-star red flag ......
AIM: To review the effectiveness of exercise as a therapy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) and potential benefits in treating insulin resistance and
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The natural history of cirrhosis can be divided into an initial stage, known as compensated cirrhosis, and an advanced stage which encompasses both decompensate
AIM: To investigate predictive risk factors associated with complications in the endoscopic removal of foreign bodies from the upper gastrointestinal tract.METH
AIM: To compare the ability of model for end-stage liver disease(MELD)-Na and Maddrey discrimination function index(DFI) to predict mortality at 30 and 90 d in
《临床肝胆病杂志》于1985年创刊,中华人民共和国教育部主管,吉林大学主办,中华医学会肝病学分会学术支持的医学专业期刊,是我国首个肝胆胰疾病专业杂志。刊号ISSN 1001-5256
本文通过剖析中职导游专业学生的特点,就中职导游专业学生模拟景点讲解时存在的问题,提出了一些课堂训练的有效方法和途径。 Based on the analysis of the characteristics