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研究地区经济发展战略,要首先弄清地区的情况,及其在全国大区域中的经济地位。安徽沿江地区在整个长江流域中,居东西交通要道;区域分工以原材料工业和农业为主;对外经济联系以东向为主;经济发展水平在省内居“波峰”,但在长江中下游地区居“低谷”状态条件,鉴于上述,根据促进劳动的地域分工、加强区域间的横向联系、着眼综合开发等原则,沿江区在未来经济发展中应当采取东西南北中的全方位战略:(1)东西方位的双环战略——在今后我国建设布局重点将向中部地区转移,沿海地区的资金、技术、人才将向内地“梯度转移”这一大趋势下。我省沿江地区应当紧紧抓住上海经济区和武汉经济区这两“环”。借助两者的经济、技术优势,来一个“引体向上”,以加快发展步伐;(2)南北方位的“合纵”战略——我省沿江区与省内的两淮、皖中、皖南三个区之间在资源组合的配套方面具有相当的完整性,因此应当实行南北“合纵”的战略,互相补充、互相支持、协调发展、共同繁荣:(3)中位的一体化战略——为了实现沿江区内部的协调发展,有必要在经济结构、生产布局和体制、政策方面采取一系列对策。如调整企业的技术、组织结构,重点发展工、农业内部的优势部门,大力发展第三产业,抓好各类生产基地的布局,加快沿江地区西部的发展,搞好城镇 To study the strategy of regional economic development, we must first understand the situation in the region and its economic status in the major regions of the country. The areas along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province occupy the main traffic routes of East and West China. The regional division of labor is dominated by the raw material and agriculture industries. The external economic ties are dominated by the east and the economic development level is “peak” in the province. However, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River In view of the above, based on the promotion of regional division of labor, strengthening of horizontal relations among regions and focusing on comprehensive development, the Yangtze River Region should adopt a comprehensive strategy of east, west, south and north in economic development in the future (1 ) East-west orientation of the double-loop strategy - in the future the focus of China’s construction layout will shift to the central region, the coastal areas of capital, technology and talent will shift to the Mainland “gradient” under the general trend. The Yangtze River in our province should seize these two “rings” of the Shanghai Economic Zone and the Wuhan Economic Zone. With the economic and technological advantages of both, a “pull-out” strategy will be put in place to speed up the pace of development; and (2) the strategy of “co-ordination” of the south and the north will be pursued - along the Yangtze River in the province and in the two Huai’an, Anhui and Anhui provinces Therefore, we should implement the strategy of “combining vertical and horizontal” between the north and the south, complement each other, support each other, coordinate development and achieve common prosperity: (3) the mid-level integration strategy - - In order to achieve coordinated development within the area along the river, it is necessary to take a series of measures in terms of economic structure, production layout and system and policies. Such as adjusting the technology, organizational structure, focusing on the development of industry, agriculture, the superior departments, vigorously develop the tertiary industry, do a good job all kinds of production base layout, accelerate the development of the western region along the Yangtze River, improve the town
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绿茵世界真是变幻莫测。有些颇具实力的球员穷其一生的努力,也无法获得一个大赛冠军,而有些人的运气却好得令人嫉妒,冠军就像天上掉馅饼一样砸入怀中。巴西球员克莱伯森就是这样一位幸运女神垂青者。  2002年的韩日世界杯,名不见经传的克莱伯森和吉尔伯托·席尔瓦在那支星光四射的桑巴军团中组成了一道坚不可摧的中场屏障,正是他们滴水不漏的防守和不遗余力的逼抢,才令毫无后顾之忧的“3R”组合有了梦幻般的表演。在韩
夏天来了,阳光那么好,一定要出去好好玩玩儿。很多小朋友喜欢滑旱冰,可是你知道怎样才能滑得又好又稳吗?滑行时:为保持身体平衡(hénɡ),可以一只脚稍稍提 Summer is coming