Modeling the Impacts of Soil Organic Carbon Content of Croplands on Crop Yields in China

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjn000800
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This study quantified the impacts of soil organic carbon(SOC) content on the grain yield of crops using a biogeochemical model(DNDC,denitrification-decomposition).Data on climate,soil properties,and farming management regimes of cropping systems were collected from six typical agricultural zones(northeast,north,northwest,mid-south,east and southwest regions of China,respectively) and integrated into a GIS database to support the model runs.According to the model,if the initial SOC content in the cropland was increased by 1 g C kg-1,the crop yield may be increased by 176 kg ha-1 for maize in the northeast region,454 kg ha-1 for a maize-wheat rotation in the north region,328 kg ha-1 for maize in the northwest region,185 kg ha-1 for single-rice in the mid-south region,266 kg ha-1 for double-rice in east region,and 229 kg ha-1 for rice and wheat rotation in southwest region.There is a great potential for enhancing the crop yield by improving the SOC content in each region of China. This study quantified the impacts of soil organic carbon (SOC) content on the grain yield of crops using a biogeochemical model (DNDC, denitrification-decomposition). Data on climate, soil properties, and farming management regimes of cropping systems were collected from six typical agricultural zones (northeast, north, northwest, mid-south, east and southwest regions of China, respectively) and integrated into a GIS database to support the model runs. According to the model, if the initial SOC content in the cropland was increased by 1 g C kg-1, the crop yield may be increased by 176 kg ha-1 for maize in the northeast region, 454 kg ha-1 for a maize-wheat rotation in the north region, 328 kg ha-1 for maize in the northwest region, 185 kg ha-1 for single-rice in the mid-south region, 266 kg ha-1 for double-rice in east region, and 229 kg ha-1 for rice and wheat rotation in the southwest region. Where a great potential for enhancing the crop yield by improving the SOC content in each region of China.
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1.注意确定底数10的指数n 当所记的数大于10时,底数10的指数n是正整数且等于所记数的整数位数减去1;当所记的数小于1时,底数10的指数n是负整数且它的绝对值等于所记数按自左到
有时我会想我该怎样爱她?一起烤面包的行动提醒了我,爱某人可能并不复杂,甚至会像分享一片热面包那么简单。  大多数人不理解,我怎么能爱一个在我的大部分青春时光里缺席的母亲?  一直到我10岁,妈妈的厨艺都让我的世界很美丽。尽管家里很穷,但她总能变着法子烹饪出可口的食物。  即使妈妈下厨富有创意,但她的育儿方式是不合常规的。作为一个单亲妈妈,她有时候看起来是不堪重负的。一个冬天的晚上,她和我哥哥吵了一
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1998年10月,在上海社会科学院研究员许步增先生的帮助下,我们在北京西路1110弄的某住宅边上发现一块上镌“E.A.EB.C.lot”字样的大石碑,实际上这是一块租界留下的地产界石,其中B.C.就是英国领事馆(British Consulate)的缩写。在当地居委会的支持和帮助下,我及时地将这块界石运到了上海市历史博物馆。居委会的几位阿姨实在热心,他们还告诉我附近建筑的许多故事,实际上,我写的文