The Mechanism of Hydrogen-facilitating Initiation of Voids

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By combining the hydrogen-induced local plastic deformation theory with the decohesive theory and the hydrogen pressure theory, a new mechanism of hydrogen-facilitating initiation of voids has been proposed. Through facilitating the local plastic deformation and reducing the cohesive strength, hydrogen promotes both initiating a nanocrack and blunting the nanocrack into a void, resulting in hydrogen-promoting initiation of the void. On the other hand, hydrogen can enhance the stability of the void through reducing the cohesive strength and forming a hydrogen pressure in the void. By combining the hydrogen-induced local plastic deformation theory with the decohesive theory and the hydrogen pressure theory, a new mechanism of hydrogen-facilitating initiation of voids has been proposed. a nanocrack and blunting the nanocrack into a void, resulting in hydrogen-promoting initiation of the void. On the other hand, hydrogen can enhance the stability of the void through reducing the cohesive strength and forming a hydrogen pressure in the void.
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