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合肥是一座具有两千年历史的古城,位于安徽省中部,属于北亚热带气候,地带性植被为落叶与长绿阔叶林混交林。自1992年,首批获得国家“园林城市”称号后,为了巩固建设成果,提高绿化水平,合肥市结合城市建设和改造,在公园、游园、广场和街道等公共绿地建设上下了很大的功夫,绿化美 Hefei is an ancient city with a history of two thousand years. It is located in the middle of Anhui Province and belongs to the northern subtropical climate. The zonal vegetation is a mixed forest of deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved forests. Since 1992, after the first batch of national garden city title, in order to consolidate the construction achievements and raise the level of afforestation, Hefei city combined with the urban construction and renovation, in the parks, gardens, squares and streets and other public green building up and down a lot of effort , Green beauty
Release of carbon from rocks during their weathering is closely linked to its global circulation. Thecontents and chemical forms of inorganic carbon in limesto
贫寒村官生命告急  家住安徽黄山市歙县狮石乡营川村的徐锋,2009年从黄山学院计算机专业毕业后,来到歙县郑村镇潭渡村担任村主任助理。精干活络的徐锋建起网站,帮村民上网销售农副产品,深受父老乡亲器重。  2012年12月的一天,正在工作的徐锋猛然发觉肝部阵阵锥刺般巨痛,豆大汗珠密集滚落。12月24日,25岁的徐锋被医院无情地确诊为肝癌晚期。生存的唯一希望就是肝脏移植,否则徐锋的生命可能不超过6个月。
The paper presents an example of the application of remote-sensing techniques in peat resource investiga-tions. The study was carried out in the Zoige region.
“Golden Sun,”a demonstration project to solve the problem of lack of electricity supply in Tibet,is 93 percent complete.It is scheduled to go into service off
A suite of terrestrial-marine transitional carbonate beds occur in the Lower Tertiary of the Kuqa Basin,Xinjiang. The pebbly coquina, Paleocene in age, is dist