The role of atomic hydrogen and hydrogen-induced martensites in hydrogen embrittlement of type 304L

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsq650
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The role of atomic hydrogen and hydrogen-induced martensites in hydrogen embrittlement in slow strain rate tensile tests and hydrogen-induced delayed cracking (HIC) in sustained load tests for type 304 L stainless steel was quantitatively studied. The results indicated that hydrogen-induced martensites formed when hydrogen concentration C0 exceeded 30 ppm, and increased with an increase in C0, i.e. M(vol%) =62-82.5exp( - C0/102). The relative plasticity loss caused by the marten-sites increased linearly with increasing amount of the martensites, i.e. Iδ(M),% = 0.45M(vol %) = 27.9-37.1 exp( -C0/102). The plasticity loss caused by atomic hydrogen Iδ(H) increased with an increase in C0 and reached a saturation value Iδ(H)max = 40% when C0 > 100 ppm. Iδ( H) decreased with an increase in strain rate E , i.e. Iδ (H), % = - 21.9 - 9. 9(?), and was zero when (?)≥(?)c = 0.032/ s. HIC under sustained load was due to atomic hydrogen, and the threshold stress intensity for HIC decreased linearly with lnC0, i.e The role of atomic hydrogen and hydrogen-induced martensites in hydrogen embrittlement in slow strain rate tensile tests and hydrogen-induced delayed cracking (HIC) in sustained load tests for type 304 L stainless steel was quantitatively studied. The results indicates that hydrogen-induced martensites formed when hydrogen concentration C0 exceeded 30 ppm, and increased with an increase in C0, ie M (vol%) = 62-82.5 exp (- C0 / 102). The relative plasticity loss caused by the marten-sites increased linearly with increasing amount of the martensites, ie Iδ (M),% = 0.45M (vol%) = 27.9-37.1 exp (-C0 / 102). The plasticity loss caused by atomic hydrogen Iδ (H) increased with an increase in C0 and reached a Iδ (H) decreased with an increase in strain rate E, ie Iδ (H),% = - 21.9 - 9. 9 (?), and was zero when (?) ≥ (?) c = 0.032 / s. HIC under sustained load was due to atomic hydrogen, and the threshold stress intensity for HIC decreased lin early with lnC0, that is
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