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春天来了。 春天迈着它轻盈的脚步,带者和熙的阳光、带着温柔的春风来了,冰雪消融,小溪潺潺,小草绿了,树木长出了嫩绿的芽尖,大地上到处主机盎然,一派大好春光。 一年之计在于春,一九九五年的春天更是不同凡响。对于我国的经济建设战线,今年是“八五”计划的最后一年,这一年各项工作的好坏,决定着我们对“八五”计划的完成情况是写一个园满的句号或是写一个为什么完不成的问号。毫无疑问,全党、全国人民的愿望和目标,都是决心要写一个园园的句号。 根据党中央、国务院的部暑,一九九五年的经济工作必须把握七个问题:一、必须坚决抑制通货膨胀;二、真正把加强农业放在经济工作的首位;三、以国有企业为重点深化经济体制改革;四、着力提高经济增长的质量和效益;五、控制消费基金过快增长;六、进一步扩大对外开放;七、加强和改善宏观经济调控。我们《经济问题探索》今年的主要任务,在继续宣传马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论的同时,将紧紧围绕中央一九九五年的经济工作方针,为使各项工作的顺利完成,作出最大的努力。 spring is coming. The spring walked its light footsteps, with the sun and the Hee, with a gentle spring breeze, snow and ice melting, brook gurgling, grass green, the trees grow a verdant sprout, the earth everywhere hosts a faction Great spring. The plan for a year is spring, and the spring of 1995 is even more remarkable. This year is the final year of the Eighth Five-Year Plan for our country’s economic construction front. The quality of all the work this year determines whether we will write a full stop for the completion of the Eighth Five-Year Plan or Write a question mark why you can not get it. There is no doubt that the aspirations and goals of the entire Party and the people throughout the country are determined to write a full stop. According to the Party Central Committee and the State Council’s Department of Public Health, the economic work in 1995 must grasp seven issues: First, we must resolutely curb inflation; second, truly strengthen agriculture on the top of economic work; Third, the state-owned enterprises Focusing on deepening the reform of the economic system; fourthly, focusing on improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth; fifth, controlling excessive growth of consumer funds; and further expanding opening to the outside world; and seventhly, strengthening and improving macroeconomic regulation and control. While continuing to promote Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, our main task for this year’s “Exploration of Economic Issues” will focus on the economic work principle of the Central Government in 1995 so that all The successful completion of the work, make the greatest efforts.
抓星火 促发展 三年翻番奔小康──来自西南内陆多民族聚居山区的报告刘建军(攀枝花市仁和区人民政府科技副区长邮码:617000)攀枝花市仁和区是1973年建立的城市近郊县级区,辖17个乡镇,地处四
(一) 1988年7月,建设银行积石山县支行在大河家成立储蓄所时,经县支行考核,我被聘用为储蓄员。当时我非常激动和高兴。从跨进建行大门的第一天起,我就暗暗下决心,虚心学习,
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