
来源 :世界汉语教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jishunhui
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This paper is the report of a listening comprehension experiment conducted among 108 students from 14 countries. The author has, based himself on cognitive psychology, designed the experiment, analyzed the results and come to the following conclusions: 1) words with similar initials and finals, but with the same tones are difficult to distinguish; 2) words that are new to the student are the major obstacle in listening comprehension; 3) one of the key points in listening training is to enhance the student’s ability to distinguish and analyze differences in similar items; and 4) it is essential to develop the instinctive feel of the Chinese language. This author is, based on on cognitive psychology, designed the experiment, analyzed the results and come to the following conclusions: 1) words with similar initials and finals , but with the same tones are difficult to distinguish; 2) words that are new to the student are the major obstacle in listening comprehension; 3) one of the key points in listening training is to enhance the student’s ability to distinguish and analyze differences in similar items; and 4) it is essential to develop the instinctive feel of the Chinese language.
本研究即以开发三线企业遗址旅游来弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,探讨三线企业遗址的开发与保护。 This research aims to develop the national spirit with patriotism
本文从语用学的角度 ,探讨了称呼语在动态使用过程中的社交指示作用及其言外行为的语用特征 ,并指出称呼语的翻译应根据中英文化的差异 ,结合具体语境 ,分清交际双色角色的关
近日 ,中国消费者协会发布了关于防电磁辐射的警示 ,引起一些人的恐慌 ,一时无所适从 ,对此 ,电磁环境专家说 :“电磁辐射无所不在、无时不在。我们既要重视电磁辐射 ,又不能
中文标题:高血压患者血管紧张素Ⅱ1型受体自身抗体检出率及其与血压和药物的关系本研究旨在探究成年高血压患者血管紧张素Ⅱ1型受体自身抗体(antibodies against angiotensinⅡtype 1 receptor,AT1RAb)的检出率,并阐明有AT1RAb个体和无AT1RAb个体中降压药种类与血压的关系。方法:参与者为全生命周期多样化社区健康衰老(healthy aging in neighborhoods of diversity across the life span,HANDLS)
本文重点介绍温敏Z-元件的特性、典型应用电路、设计方法以及应用示例,供广大用户利用温数Z-元件进行应用开发的参考。 This article focuses on the characteristics of th