
来源 :中国比较文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dinosonic
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Several novels with an explicit historical consciousness emergerecently, and win a wide acclaim, especially Chen Zhong shi’s “White Deer Plains” which is regarded as a Chinese-type “Flow silently, the Don”. But, as compared with the latter,“White Dcer Plains” fails to represent changes in the course of history; on the contrary, it sticks to and heaps praise on old cul tural principles. Its weakness in characterization portrays no typical character with complexity and variegation such as Gre gory. Pornographic description in this novel results in its sel ling well, but spreads the outworn concepts of woman and mora lity. Transition from urban life tu the native soil in contem porary literature doesn’t mean that literature would advance towards a vast world where much can be accomplished. We look forward to the birth of genuine epic writing in correspon dence with our age Several novels with an overt historical consciousness emergerecently, and win a wide acclaim, especially Chen Zhong shi’s “White Deer Plains ” which is regarded as a Chinese-type “Flow silently, the Don ”. But, as compared with the latter, “White Dcer Plains” fails to represent changes in the course of history; on the contrary, it sticks to and heaps praise on old cul tural principles. Its weakness in characterization portrays no typical character with complexity and variegation such as gre gory. Pornographic description in this novel results in its sel ling well, but spreads the outworn concepts of woman and mora lity. Transition from urban life tu the native soil in contem porary literature does not mean that literature would advance towards a vast world where much can be accomplished. We look forward to the birth of genuine epic writing in correspon dence with our age
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