
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slientlamb
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茄子有两大类:一类是食用茄;另一类是观赏茄,如形似喜鹊蛋大小黄白两色的金银茄、基部有着五只乳头的乳茄(也叫五指茄)和形如小番茄的看茄等。本文谈谈看茄的栽培。看茄,也叫玩桔、观赏茄,茄科植物,多作二年生栽培。根据多年的经验,每年11月至次年2月是最佳播种期。可于温室将种子播在盛有培养土的育秧盆中,室温在20℃左右时,约10天就能出苗。如无温室播种条件。也可象一般食用茄一样播种栽培,但至少要缩短2个月的观果期。出苗后需用镊子间苗,小苗长到4片叶时可移入5寸泥盆中(以后视植株长势更换大一号的花盆)。成活后,施以稀薄的有机液肥或颗粒肥料。立春过后,就能看到植株上开出浅紫色小花,花后只要阳光充足,施肥及 There are two main types of eggplants: one is edible tomato; the other is ornamental eggplant, such as the shape of the size of the magpie egg yellow and white gold and silver eggplant, the base has five nipples of the milk (also known as five-pointed eggplant) Tomato and so on. This article talk about the cultivation of eggplant. Look at the eggplant, also called playing orange, ornamental eggplant, solanaceous plants, and more for biennial cultivation. Based on years of experience, November to February of each year is the best seeding period. Seeds can be sown in the greenhouse cultivation of potted culture seedlings pots, room temperature at about 20 ℃, about 10 days can emerge. If no greenhouse conditions. Can also be planted as general food cultivation, but at least to shorten the viewing period of 2 months. After emergence need to use forceps seedlings, seedlings grow to 4 leaves can be moved into the 5-inch clay pots (depending on the growing plant to replace the larger pots). After living, apply thin organic liquid fertilizer or granular fertilizer. After the beginning of spring, you can see the plant out of light purple flowers, flowers as long as the sun is sufficient, fertilization and
1992年春暖后,笔者以一株较大的宝巾作砧木,用劈接法嫁接另外六种花色的宝巾,培育成一树开七色花植株。具体做法如下: 选一株初开时黄色,渐变为粉红色花的较大型的宝巾作砧
自1960年来我社放置不锈钢单环共二千余例,占全社节育数的51.2%。75年上半年,对全社80%的妇女进行了随访,并作了 X 光透环。现对1,576人次随访小结如下:我院用的不锈钢单环,