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为了宣传在马克思主义理论教育和研究领域作出突出贡献的大家名家,进一步推动当代中国马克思主义理论研究,中国历史唯物主义学会、中国经济规律研究会和中国社会科学院马克思主义研究学部共同开展“近年最具影响力的30位马克思主义学者”评选工作。评选出的30位学者当中,既有本刊的顾问和编委,也有长期以来一直关心和支持我刊发展的作者和读者。在此,我们向他们表示崇高的敬意和衷心的祝贺!并祝他们在马克思主义理论教育和研究领域桃李满园、再谱新篇! In order to promote everyone famous experts who have made outstanding contributions in the field of Marxist theoretical education and research, and further promote the study of the contemporary theory of Marxism in China, the Chinese Society of Historical Materialism, the China Economic Law Research Association and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Marxism Research Department jointly carry out “ 30 most influential Marxist scholars ”selection work. Out of the 30 selected scholars, there are not only consultants and editors of this magazine but also the authors and readers who have long been concerned about and support my development. Here, we would like to express our highest respect and sincere congratulations to them and wish them all the best in the field of Marxist theoretical education and research, and make new articles!
黑河專員各市縣旗長: 茲將泰來縣城區幹部集體貪污腐化企圖逃跑案检查材料及處理意見通報如下,仰引起警惕。一、事實經過根据泰来縣府兩次報告及監委会二次检查結果,城區幹
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自古以来,扬州便富甲天下。上至达官贵人,下至普通百姓都向往扬州,一句“烟花三月下扬州”把人们的心情说得明明白白。  踏进扬州,眼前是清风、细柳、明月、绿水,宁静而清新。扬州的瘦西湖园林群历史悠久,清代康熙乾隆时期已经形成。“两堤花柳全依水,一路楼台直到山”的湖上园林,融南方之秀北方之雄为一体,有“园林之盛,甲于天下”之誉。长堤春柳、五亭桥、二十四桥景区等名园胜迹,散布在窈窕曲折的一湖碧水两岸,俨然
《观潮》一文写的是钱塘江大潮的雄奇景象。同学们学习了这篇课文,一定会从心底里发出无限感慨!喜欢观潮吗?我们现在就出发! “View tide” article is written in the magn
青海塔里木盆地的高原绿洲德令哈的褡裢湖很神奇,是一咸一淡两个相连的湖泊(托素湖、克鲁可湖),因形似褡裢而得名。近年来在托素湖畔东北角80 米处一座小山脚下,发现了一处奇
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