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目的探讨早期留置中心静脉导管(central venous catheter,CVC)对三级以上手术患者输液并发症及满意度的影响。方法选取2014年1—12月行三级以上手术并接受输液治疗>1周的患者80例,按照双盲法将其分成对照组和实验组各40例,对照组采用常规输液护理,实验组在术前1 d行CVC,术后采用中心静脉导管途径输液治疗,连续治疗1周,比较两组静脉输液并发症的发生率、输液耗材费用、满意度等指标,采用SPSS 12.0软件进行统计学分析。结果实验组输液并发症发生率、输液耗材费用均低于对照组(χ~2=13.853、t=2.799,均P<0.05),实验组满意度高于对照组(χ~2=22.956,P<0.05)。结论早期CVC进行术后治疗,其操作简单、方便,有效降低静脉输液并发症及住院费用,利于多种药物同时输入,利于抢救,同时增加患者输液时的舒适感及满意度,值得临床推广。 Objective To investigate the effects of early central venous catheter (CVC) on the complications and satisfaction of transfusion in patients with more than three surgeries. Methods From January 2014 to January 2014, 80 patients who underwent more than three stages of operation and who underwent infusion therapy for> 1 week were divided into control group and experimental group according to double-blind method, 40 cases in each group. The control group received routine infusion therapy, CVC was performed on the first day before operation. The patients were treated with central venous catheter infusion after operation for 1 week. The incidence of complications of intravenous infusion, the cost of transfusion supplies and satisfaction were compared between the two groups. The data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 software analysis. Results The incidence of infusion complications and infusion consumables were lower in the experimental group than those in the control group (χ ~ 2 = 13.853, t = 2.799, all P <0.05). The satisfaction of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group <0.05). Conclusion Early postoperative treatment of CVC is simple, convenient and effective. It can effectively reduce the complications and hospitalization costs of intravenous fluids, facilitate the simultaneous input of multiple drugs, facilitate the rescue, and increase comfort and satisfaction of patients when transfusion. It is worthy of clinical promotion.
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本研究以综合医院为研究对象,首先对综合医院室外康复环境的50个基本设计要素的重要度进行调查,根据调查结果,初步筛选出重要度较高的要素共18个。利用语义差分法(semantic d