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[01]夜幕的黑完全遮住了这世间的光明,仅有几缕星光使我勉强能看清周围的情况。夜空中不时传来夜莺或猫头鹰的叫声,在这样的夜里听着格外疹人。我是一个流浪者,不,确切地说我是一名流浪的剑客。我不知道自己要去向何方,之所以会忘记自己的目的地,是因为我在前几天的一场比武中失败并受了很严重的伤。靠近我心口边的那道伤口至今还没有愈合。我 [01] The blackness of the night completely obscured the light of this world, only a few stars of light so I barely able to see the surrounding situation. From time to time in the night came the nightingale or owl cry, in such a night listening to rash. I am a wanderer, no, precisely, I am a wandering swordsman. I do not know where I am going and why I have forgotten my destination because I failed and suffered a serious injury in a tournament a few days earlier. The wound near my heart has not healed yet. I