Carotid artery injury in endoscopic endonasal surgery: Risk factors, prevention, and management

来源 :世界耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerryweimao
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Objective::Endoscopic approaches for sinus and skull base surgery are increasing in popularity. The objective of this narrative review is to characterize risk factors for internal carotid artery injury in endoscopic endonasal surgery (EES), highlight preventative measures, and illustrate key management principles.Data Sources::Comprehensive literature review.Methods::Relevant literature was reviewed using PubMed/MEDLINE.Results::Carotid artery injury in EES is rare, with most studies reporting an incidence below 0.1%. Anatomic aberrancies, wide dissection margins, as well as specific provider and hospital factors, may increase the risk of injury. Multidisciplinary teams, comprehensive preoperative imaging, patient risk assessment, and formal training in vascular emergencies may reduce the risk. Management protocols should emphasize proper visualization of the injury site, fluid replacement, rapid packing, angiography, and endovascular techniques to achieve hemostasis.Conclusions::While EES is a relatively safe procedure, carotid artery injury is a devastating complication that warrants full consideration in surgical planning. Important preventative measures include identifying patients with notable risk factors and obtaining preoperative imaging. Multidisciplinary teams and management protocols are ultimately necessary to reduce morbidity and mortality.“,”Objective::Endoscopic approaches for sinus and skull base surgery are increasing in popularity. The objective of this narrative review is to characterize risk factors for internal carotid artery injury in endoscopic endonasal surgery (EES), highlight preventative measures, and illustrate key management principles.Data Sources::Comprehensive literature review.Methods::Relevant literature was reviewed using PubMed/MEDLINE.Results::Carotid artery injury in EES is rare, with most studies reporting an incidence below 0.1%. Anatomic aberrancies, wide dissection margins, as well as specific provider and hospital factors, may increase the risk of injury. Multidisciplinary teams, comprehensive preoperative imaging, patient risk assessment, and formal training in vascular emergencies may reduce the risk. Management protocols should emphasize proper visualization of the injury site, fluid replacement, rapid packing, angiography, and endovascular techniques to achieve hemostasis.Conclusions::While EES is a relatively safe procedure, carotid artery injury is a devastating complication that warrants full consideration in surgical planning. Important preventative measures include identifying patients with notable risk factors and obtaining preoperative imaging. Multidisciplinary teams and management protocols are ultimately necessary to reduce morbidity and mortality.
2月以来,恒生指数超跌反弹态势得以进一步确立, 25000点关口或存在反复争夺,但大的结构上,市场中期底部已逐渐成型.rn估值修复逻辑将继续演绎rn应当关注的是,港股低估优势是“开门红”内因,估值修复逻辑将继续演绎.过去几年,特别是2021 年恒指的逆势大幅下跌带来了优势显著的低估值环境,在外围流动性收缩的大背景下,低估值是防御外围利率上行的极佳条件.
CXO即医药外包,是受制药企业或者生物科技公司委托,为其提供药物研发、生产工艺开发、药物生产、药物销售等服务的过程.CXO 主要包括 CRO(研发注册外包)、CMO/CDMO(生产工艺外包)、CSO(销售外包)三大环节.
Objectives::To demonstrate three-hundred and sixty degrees of maxillary sinus (MS) surgical approaches using cadaveric dissections, highlighting the step-by-step anatomy of each procedure.Methods::Two latex-injected cadaveric specimens were utilized to pe