Induced abortion in China and the advances of post abortion family planning service

来源 :生殖医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcsq1987
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This is a review of current situation of induced abortion and post abortion family planning service in China. Induced abortion is an important issue in reproductive health. This article reviewed the distribution of induced abortion in various time, areas, and population in China, and explored the character, reason, and harm to reproductive health of induced abortion. Furthermore, this article introduces the concept of Quality of Care Program in Family Planning, and discusses how important and necessary it is to introduce Quality of Care Program in Family Planning to China. This is a review of current situation of induced abortion and post abortion family planning service in China. This article reviewed the distribution of induced abortion in various time, areas, and population in China, and explored the character, reason, and harm to reproductive health of induced abortion. further, this article introduces the concept of Quality of Care Program in Family Planning, and discusses how important and necessary it is to introduce Quality of Care Program in Family Planning to China.
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