Multidetector computed tomography imaging of congenital anomalies of major airways:A pictorial essay

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quixotic
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Congenital airway anomalies can be asymptomatic or may cause severe respiratory distress requiring immediate treatment.These anomalies can present early in life,or may be just incidental findings.It is important to recognize these entities to realize their clinical significance and to avoid false diagnosis.In this article, the various congenital airway anomalies and their imaging features by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT)are reviewed in order of occurrence during the embryological timeline.This pictorial essay reviews the various distinct congenital airway lesions and their MDCT manifestations.It also provides insight into the embryological basis of the congenital airway lesions encountered. Congenital airway anomalies can be asymptomatic or may cause severe respiratory distress requiring immediate treatment.These anomalies can present early in life, or may be just just incidental findings. It is important to recognize these entities to realize their clinical significance and to avoid false diagnosis.In this article, the various congenital airway anomalies and their imaging features by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) are reviewed in the order of occurrence during the embryological timeline. This pictorial essay reviews the various distinct congenital airway lesions and their MDCT manifestations. It also provides insight into the embryological basis of the congenital airway encountered encountered
播散性带状疱疹较少见,最近我们遇见1例恶性淋巴瘤并发本病,特报告如下: 王某女63岁农民,主诉右足、小腿和臀部发生大量水疱及小溃疡1周,于1985年9月7日来院诊治。患者因畏
名垂青史的民族英雄张苍水,有“明季第一忠烈”、“浙江历史上第一完人”之誉。他崇高的爱国主义精神和宁死不屈的凛然气节,至今光彩灿灿。清明节前夕,记者踏着英烈的足迹,作了一次寻访之旅。    好一幢书香缕缕的故居  世人应该庆幸,张苍水的故居、一幢明代古建筑,仍然完好地保存在宁波市中心。  3月31日下午,记者在张苍水十九世后裔张诚的陪同下驱车赶往那里。这是一座重檐歇山顶式的二层建筑,青砖黑瓦,坐北朝