近几年,读者通过新闻传播煤介,看到了不少西方摄影记者瞬间抓拍的好新闻照片。比如《乌干达旱灾的恶果》、《奥马伊拉的痛苦》、《挑战者号爆炸前后》、《爱滋病的遗产》等。读者也看到过中国新闻史上那些历久难忘的好照片,比如《牛地主》(齐观山摄)、《白求恩大夫》(吴印咸摄)、《占长城上抗日英雄》(沙飞摄)等。是什么原因使读者留下如此深刻的印象?美国《万象》杂志总编辑塞·河斯勒讲得好,他认为:“冲击力构成好照片。不是动作,是冲击力 一种视觉印象。这种印象将某种东西射入观者的头
In recent years, readers have seen a good news photo shot by many western photojournalists instantly through news media. Such as “the consequences of drought in Uganda”, “Omaila pain”, “Challenger before and after the explosion”, “AIDS legacy” and so on. Readers have also seen some of those unforgettable good photos in the history of Chinese news, such as “cowboy” (Qishan Mountain), “Dr. Bethune” (Wu Yin salty), “the hero of the Great Wall on the anti-Japanese” (Shafei She) and so on. What makes the reader so impressed? The United States, “Vientiane” magazine editor Si He Si Le well speak, he said: "The impact of the formation of a good picture. Is not an action, is a visual impression of impact. Impressions bring something into the viewer’s head