红色经典系列 越狱

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《红岩》是以描写重庆解放前夕残酷的地下斗争,特别是狱中斗争为主要内容的长篇小说。它的历史背景是1948年至1949年重庆解放。它的基本情节以“中美合作所”集中营(包括渣滓洞和白公馆)内的敌我斗争为中心,交错地展开了我地下党领导的城市的地下斗争、学生运动、工人运动、狱中斗争以及华蓥山区的武装斗争,集中描写了革命者为迎接解放、挫败敌人的垂死挣扎而进行的最后决战。小说以大量的篇幅描写了革命者的狱中斗争,除了《狱中联欢》所写的新年联欢活动外,还写了狱中绝食斗争的胜利,为龙光华烈士举行追悼会,江雪琴的从容就义,许云峰在地牢里同徐鹏飞的最后一次交锋,以及最后的武装越狱斗争等。全书共三十章,《越狱》是从该书的第三十章节选下来的。作者罗广斌、杨益言都是重庆中美合作所集中营的幸存者,他们亲身经历了黎明前血与火的考验,目睹了许多革命烈士坚韧不拔的英勇斗争和壮烈牺牲的场面。根据这些经历,他们于1960年,在回忆录的基础上创作了长篇小说《红岩》。 Hongyan is a novels featuring the brutal underground struggle on the eve of the liberation of Chongqing, especially the prison fight. Its historical background is the liberation of Chongqing from 1948 to 1949. Its basic plot centered on the struggle between the enemy and ourselves in the “Sino-US Cooperative” camp (including Zhazidong and White Mansion) and staged the underground struggle of the cities under my underground party, the student movement, the workers' movement, the prison And the armed struggles in the Huaying Mountains, centering on the final battle of revolutionaries in their dying struggle to liberate and defeat the enemy. In a great deal of space, the novel describes the prisoner's struggle in prison. Apart from the New Year's celebration written in “Prison Engagement,” he also wrote the victory of the hunger strike in prison, the memorial service for the Martyrs of Long Guanghua, and the calmness of Jiang Xueqin Judaism, Xu Yunfeng in the dungeon with Xu Pengfei's last clash, as well as the last armed jailbreak fight. Thirty chapters of the book, “Prison Break” is selected from the thirtieth chapter of the book. The authors Luo Guangbin and Yang Yanyan are all survivors of the concentration camp of the Sino-American cooperation in Chongqing. They personally experienced the test of blood and fire before dawn and witnessed the indomitable heroic struggle and heroic sacrifice of many revolutionary martyrs. Based on these experiences, in 1960, they created the novel “Red Rock” on the basis of memoirs.
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语感是经过长期的语言文字训练,逐步形成比较直接迅速地感受语言文字的能力。叶圣陶说:“文字语言训练,我认为最要紧的是训练语感。”情感是学习语文,训练语感,发展智力的重要心理因素。教师如何引入情境,熏陶语感呢?    一、营造美读氛围,感悟语言情味    美读是把自己的思想感情读进去,把作者的思想感情读出来。让学生一边声情并茂地朗读,一边展开联想和想象,这样的训练语感就落到实处。教师融情的范读,境随声