
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinnanwc2
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1985年,我部在云南老山地区执行对越作战任务,历时1年。从实践中,我们体会到,伤员救治工作的关键是组织好火线救护和实施早期治疗。火线抢救是整个医疗救护工作的基础,必须千方百计使伤员尽快脱离阵地,迅速后送,早期治疗,减少阵亡。组织好火线伤员抢救应着重做好以下五点。一、落实营连抢救组织营、连抢救组分别由副营长、副连长担任组长,军医、卫生员为骨干,吸收勤杂人员,必要时可从建制班抽调战士组成7~9人和5~7人的抢救组。战前和利用战斗间隙进行救护技术训练。如有营、连干部参加抢救组,更便于掌握作战情况,便于根据伤员数量和抢救的难度,适时组织火力掩护,调配搬运力量,进 In 1985, our ministry carried out the Vietnam war mission in Laoshan district of Yunnan Province, which lasted one year. In practice, we realize that the key to the treatment of the wounded is to organize the front-line ambulance and implement early treatment. FireWire rescue is the basis of the entire medical rescue work, we must make every effort to get the wounded out of position as soon as possible, rapid evacuation, early treatment and reduce the casualties. Organize the WIFI rescue should focus on the following five points. First, the implementation of battalion rescue camp, and even the rescue team, respectively by the vice battalion commander, deputy commander as the head of the military, health workers as the backbone, absorb hard-working personnel, if necessary, can be drawn from the formation of class soldiers composed of 7 to 9 and 5 ~ 7 rescue team. Pre-war and use of combat space for ambulance technology training. If camps, even cadres to participate in the rescue group, more easily grasp the operational situation, according to the number of casualties and the difficulty of emergency rescue, timely organization of fire protection, allocation of transport force, into
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母亲节那天我出差了,整整一个星期!很久都没有离开孩子这么长时间,十分牵挂,对孩子们的挂念就像热恋中人一样。前一天,Nini 就请 Rebecca 给她买一个手机储值卡,小心地装在