决不能让改头换面的“唯低价是取”危害民族医药产业 广东省药品交易规则(试行)在全国医药行业引发众怒

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今年5月下旬以来,全国医药行业对《广东省药品交易规则(试行)(征求意见稿)》(以下简称《交易规则》)的批评之声一直不绝于耳。矛头之集中、措辞之严厉、剖析之深刻,近年来实属罕见。大家的一个共同观点就是:广东省为基本药物集中招标和非基本药物集中招标所制定的《药品交易规则》,实质上是药品招标“安徽模式”的延续,是改 Since late May this year, the criticism of the “Regulations for the Trading of Pharmaceutical Products in Guangdong Province (for Trial Implementation) (Draft for Commenting Opinions)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Trading Rules”) has been utterly unceasing in the pharmaceutical industry throughout the country. Spearhead of concentration, wording harsh, profound analysis, it is rare in recent years. A common view of all of us is that the “Rules for the Trading of Pharmaceutical Products” formulated by Guangdong Municipality for the bidding of basic drugs and the centralized bidding of non-essential medicines are essentially the continuation of the bidding for medicines and “Anhui Model”
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