端正理财思想 加快改革步伐

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当前,城市经济改革正在有计划、有步骤地进行着。城市经济是发展国民经济和开展对外经济交往的重要基地,是国家财政收入和经济实力增长的主要源泉。城市经济的改革,必然直接影响到国家财政的状况,给财政工作带来许多新的问题。它要求财政工作适应经济发 At present, the urban economic reform is being carried out in a planned and systematic manner. Urban economy is an important base for developing national economy and conducting foreign economic exchanges and is the main source of growth of national financial revenue and economic strength. The reform of the urban economy will inevitably have a direct impact on the state of the state finance and bring about many new problems to the financial work. It requires financial work to adapt to economic development
各省、自治区、直辖市财政厅(局)、重庆市财政局: 为了加强财政支农资金的管理和核算,我部曾先后发出(81)财农字第277号和(82)财农字第270号的通知,要求各级财政部门对支农
由中国农业科学院甜菜研究所与山东博山农药厂联合主持召开的甲基硫环磷防治甜菜苗期害虫应用座谈会于1984年9月20日至24日在山东博山召开。 黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、山东、河
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IN December 2011 the European debt contagion began to spread from second-tier members of the Eurozone to more highly regarded economies such as Italy, Austria a
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各省、市、自治区税务局,重庆市税务局: 为配合当前严厉打击刑事犯罪斗争的顺利开展,尽快收押罪犯,确定对各地劳改部门用自筹资金修建监舍(是指犯人住房、围墙、岗楼)的建设