From Adult Bone Marrow Cells to Other Cell Lineages: Transdifferentiation or Cells Fusion

来源 :解剖科学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aww2345
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Recent studies have demonstrated that intravenous transplantation or local injection of bone marrow cells can induce unexpected changes of their fate. The results of these experiments showed that after transplantation or injecton, some of tissue specific somatic cells such as hepatocytes, skeleton, cardiac muscle cells and brain cells expressed the donor cell specific genes, such as Y chromosome. There are two hypotheses that can explain this phenomenon. One is bone marrow stem cell transdifferentiation and the other is spontaneous cell fusion. Recent studies have demonstrated that intravenous transplantation or local injection of bone marrow cells can induce unexpected changes of their fate. The results of these experiments showed that after transplantation or injecton, some of tissue specific somatic cells such as hepatocytes, skeleton, cardiac muscle cells and brain cells expressed the donor cell specific genes, such as Y chromosome. There are two hypotheses that can explain this phenomenon. One is bone marrow stem cell transdifferentiation and the other is spontaneous cell fusion.
作者对陕西省化工设计研究院合成的嗪胺灵(杀菌剂)纯品经大鼠作显性致死突变试验,连续五天灌胃染毒,1000毫克/公斤组成为阴性,2000毫克/公斤组为可疑阳性。 The author of t