职业 业余让子棋问答

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大矢:编辑部收到了读者寄来的棋谱,这次,我们就以这盘棋为研究素材。寄来棋谱的是家住奈良市的杨枝毅一,70岁,4段。 5段:哈哈,是在什么比赛中下的棋呢?对手(白棋)又是谁呢? 大矢:信中写着,是在百货公司举办的围棋节中一个叫做“挑战院生”的比赛中的对局。 初段:既然叫院生,那应该是未来的职业棋手咯,棋力如何? 大矢:已经晋升到A级,很快就会入段吧。从棋力上来看,几乎与职业初段不相上下。因为尚未习惯职业棋手那样的训练,所以,对于下手而言,说不定招法更为严厉。 3段:既然是业余4段,为什么还要让五子呢? 大矢:信中写道:“为了能够取胜,黑棋坚持让五子”。通常情况下,越是要求多让子的人,棋力越强。唉呀!5段你怎么了(笑)? Ozawa: The editorial department has received the chess sheet that the reader sent, this time, we take this game as the research material. Send the chess is the Yang Zhiyi who lives in Nara City, a 70-year-old, 4 paragraphs. 5: Haha, what is the game under the game? The opponent (White) who is it? Ozawa: The letter reads, is in the department store organized a chess festival called “challenge the students” in the game The game. The first paragraph: Since the call the hospital, it should be the future of professional chess slightly, how the power of chess? Ozawa: Has been promoted to A-class, it will soon enter the bar. From the chess point of view, almost comparable with the early career. Because not yet used to professional players that training, so, for starters, maybe even more harsh tactics. 3 paragraphs: Since it is amateur 4, why do we have to let five? Big Sai: letter wrote: “In order to be able to win, Black insisted five children.” Under normal circumstances, the more people who ask for more sub, chess stronger. Alas! Why are you 5 (laughs)?
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