Homopterocarpin contributes to the restoration of gastric homeostasis by Pterocarpus erinaceus follo

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iam156
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Objective:To investigate the restorative effect of Pterocarpus erinaceus(P.erinaceus) and homopterocarpin.an isoflavonoid isolated from it.on indomethacin-indueed disruption in gastric homeostasis in rats.Methods:Adult rats were dn ided into five groups and lasted for 48 h before treatment.Group I received olive oil(vehicle),group 2 received 25 ing/kg indomethaein while groups 3-5 received cimetidine(100 mg/kg).lioniopterocarpin(25 mg/kg) and P.erinaceus ethanolie stem hark extract(100 mg/kg) respectively.After 1 h.all the groups except group 2 were administered 25 mg/kg of indomethacin.One hour later,the rats were sacrificed and the ulcer index and other gaslroprotective indices were evaluated.Results:Indomethacin caused significant injury to the stomach of the rats as reflected in the ulcer indices(9.0±1.4) as compared with that of control(2.0±0.0).Equally,there were significant increases in gastric acid concentration and malondialdehvde level in the stomachs of the ulcerated animals compared with the control.However mucus content,reduced gluthatione level and gastric pH were significantly reduced in the ulcerated animals compared with the control.Pretreatment with either Pterocarpus bark extract or homopterocarpin reversed the effects of indomethaein on the evaluated parameters.Conclusions:These results indicate that both homopterocarpin and Plerocarpus extract offered gastroprotection against indomethacin-induced ulcer by antioxidative mechanism and the modulation of gastric homeostasis.The results also suggest that homopterocarpin might he responsible for.or contribute to the antiulcerogenic property of P.erinaceus. Objective: To investigate the restorative effect of Pterocarpus erinaceus (P.erinaceus) and homopterocarpin.an isoflavonoid isolated from it.on indomethacin-indueed disruption in gastric homeostasis in rats. Methods: Adult rats were dn ided into five groups and lasted for 48 h before treatment.Group I received olive oil (vehicle), group 2 received 25 ing / kg indomethaein while groups 3-5 received cimetidine (100 mg / kg) .Lioniopterocarpin (25 mg / kg) and P.erinaceus ethanolie stem hark extract 100 mg / kg respectively. After 1 h. All groups except group 2 were administered 25 mg / kg of indomethacin. One hour later, the rats were sacrificed and the ulcer index and other gasroprotective indices were. Results: Indomethacin caused significant injury to the stomach of the rats as reflected in the ulcer indices (9.0 ± 1.4) as compared with that of control (2.0 ± 0.0) .Equally, there were significant increases in gastric acid concentration and malondialdehvde level in the stomachs of the ulcerated anima ls compared with the control. Even mucus content, reduced gluthatione level and gastric pH were significantly reduced in the ulcerated animals compared with the control. Pleating with either Pterocarpus bark extract or homopterocarie reversed effects of indomethaein on the evaluating parameters. Conclusions: These results indicate that both offered homoglobulin and Plerocarpus extract offered gastroprotection against indomethacin-induced ulcer by antioxidative mechanism and the modulation of gastric homeostasis. The results also suggest that homopterocarpin might he responsible for. contribute to the antiulcerogenic property of P.erinaceus.
药物是具有两面性的 ,在疾病的治疗过程中有利亦有弊。有资料报导因药物而致病的药源性疾病的发病率为常见病的 8% ,药疗事故占医疗事故的30 % [1] ,目前我国有听力语言残疾
1998年是国际海洋年。最近,山东省蓬莱市政府为了以实际行动迎接国际海洋年,切实加强海域统一规划、综合管理和确权发证工作,实现海洋经济的可持续发展,制定了六项措施。 一
我们于 1999年 9月 1日~ 12月 2 0日用左氧氟沙星 (可乐必妥 )治疗解脲尿支原体生殖泌尿道感染 40例 ,取得良好的疗效 ,现总结如下。1 临床资料1 .1  病例 所有患者均为我