Synergistic effect of combination of surfactant and oxide powder on enhancement of gas hydrates nucl

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anlisha521
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In the present work we studied the induction periods of hydrate formation of natural gas in pure water, aqueous solutions of surfactants, and in the presence of surfactant together with aluminum oxide nanopowder, the activity of which as hydrate formation inducer was studied previously. Sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) or neonol AF-9-12 were used as the surfactants. It was demonstrated that the addition of either surfactants or aluminum oxide powder under our experimental conditions causes a decrease in the induction period of hydrate formation from ~105 min for pure water to 30–35 min for water with additives. In the case of the simultaneous presence of surfactants and aluminum oxide powder in the system, induction period decreased to ~20 min. So, the synergistic effect of the combination of surfactant and oxide powder on gas hydrate nucleation was demonstrated. Possible reasons of this effect have been discussed. In the present work we studied the induction periods of hydrate formation of natural gas in pure water, aqueous solutions of surfactants, and in the presence of surfactant together with aluminum oxide nanopowder, the activity of which as hydrate formation inducer was studied previously. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or neonol AF-9-12 were used as the surfactants. It was demonstrated that the addition of either surfactants or aluminum oxide powder under our experimental conditions causes a decrease in the induction period of hydrate formation from ~ 105 min for pure water to 30-35 min for water with additives. In the case of the simultaneous presence of and oxide powder in the system, induction period decreased to ~ 20 min. So, the synergistic effect of the combination of surfactant and oxide powder on gas hydrate nucleation was demonstrated. Possible reasons of this effect have been discussed.
在既往试用中药《血再生》防治慢性苯中毒病人获得满意疗效的基础上,于1977年5~8月又治疗慢性苯中毒病人19例,现将治疗结果小结如下。一、一般临床资料 In the past trial o
患者53岁,住院号67033。绝经4年,阴道少量流血2次,在当地医院宫颈刮片找到癌细胞,要求手术治疗,于1988年5月9日入院。检查:一般状况尚好,Bp 19.5/13.3kPa,矮胖体型。心肺听