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当我们从王下地下宫攀援到洞口的山峰间,面对这深邃流变的绿色世界,心头涌上一阵阵的惊奇。蓦然间,一个新异的思想闪现脑际——如果将这远近的山林,连同这奇异的溶洞群和原生态的黎族杞系文化,建成一个深具民族特色的国家森林公园,该是造福人类的好事! 黎族是我国56个民族中19个有百万人口以上的民族之一,而且全部生活在海南岛。据三亚落笔洞、王下皇帝洞、琼中米僚洞中的文化堆积层出土物碳14测定,一万多年前,人类就生活在这里;他们应该是黎族的祖先。黎族同胞以自己的聪明智慧,创造了独具特色的优秀文化。王下乡拥有的471平方公里土地,恰好在雅加 As we climbed from the underground palace of the King to the peaks of the mountain, facing the deep green world of deep change, our hearts burst into surprise. Suddenly, a new and different idea flashed out of my mind - if this distant forest, together with this strange cave group and the original Li ethnic Qi culture, built a national forest park with national characteristics, which is the benefit of mankind Good thing! The Li nation is one of the ethnic groups of 19 of the 56 ethnic groups in China that has a population of over 1 million, and all live in Hainan Island. According to the Sanya drop-pen cave, the next king emperors cave, Qiongzhong meter bureaucratic holes in the cultural accumulation of carbon 14 determination, more than 10,000 years ago, humans live here; they should be the ancestors of the Li nationality. Li compatriots with their own wisdom and wisdom, has created a unique culture of excellence. King owned 471 square kilometers of land, just in Jakarta
本文提出了一种计算凿岩机性能参数的理论模型、可用于凿岩机的优化设计。 In this paper, a theoretical model for calculating the performance parameters of rock dril
原《中华眼科杂志》编委、昆明医学院第一附属医院眼科魏沉教授因病治疗无效 ,于 2 0 0 0年 6月 2 1日在昆明市逝世 ,享年 92岁。魏沉教授 190 9年出生于山东平阴县。 19
Among the various xenoliths entrained by the Cenozoic Hannuoba basalts, peridotite is the most abundant one. The trace elements of the diopsides from the perido