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本文介绍了一种已成功地用于水煤浆燃烧的新型调风器,这种调风器可调参数较多,因而调节灵活方便。通过冷态空气动力场回流区的测量和对冷态雾化炬的定性观察确定的一次风稳焰器叶片出口角、稳焰器扩口角和扩口高、二次风切向叶片出口角、(石旋)口角等,能适用于不同工况下的煤浆燃烧,着火稳定,无脱火现象,燃烧效率最高达98%。试验表明,较大的稳焰器叶片出口角(即较大的一次风旋流强度)能产生较大的中心回流区,为煤浆着火提供热源;稳焰器增加合适的扩口(扩口角20°,扩口高30mm)有推迟一、二次风混合和增强气流稳定性的作用,但扩口角过大时会在扩口背面产生一个环状回流区把大量浆滴带回到扩口上甚至进入二次风箱;二次风旋流强度不宜过大,以免大量浆滴被甩到炉壁上而结焦。该调风器与低压旋流型喷咀相配合,能获得足够的高温烟气回流以加速煤浆着火,而且气流有较强的后期扰动以强化煤浆的燃烬。 This paper introduces a new type of air-register which has been successfully used in coal-water slurry combustion. This kind of air-register has more adjustable parameters, so the adjustment is flexible and convenient. Through the measurement of the backflow zone of the cold aerodynamic field and the qualitative observation of the cold fog torch, the outlet angle of the primary air stabilizer flamethrower, the flaring angle and flaring height of the flamethrower, the outlet angle of the secondary wind tangential blade, (Stone spin) mouth angle, etc., can be applied to different conditions of coal slurry combustion, fire stability, no off-fire phenomenon, the combustion efficiency up to 98%. The results show that the larger outlet angle of the flamethrower blades (ie, greater primary air swirling intensity) can generate a larger central recirculation zone and provide a heat source for the coal slurry to ignite. The flame arrester increases the suitable flaring angle 20 °, flared 30mm high) have the effect of retarding the primary and secondary air mixing and enhancing the stability of the air flow. However, when the flare angle is too large, an annular recirculation zone will be formed on the back of the flare to bring a large amount of slurry droplets back to the flare And even into the secondary bellows; secondary wind swirling intensity should not be too large, so as to avoid a large number of drops of mud thrown to the furnace wall and coke. The regulator and the low pressure swirl nozzle match, can get enough high-temperature flue gas back to speed up the coal slurry ignition, and the air flow has a strong late disturbance to enhance the burning of coal slurry.
<正> 一、概述 L系列双旋流煤粉燃烧器可以广泛地适用于建材、化工、冶金等行业的工业炉窑喷煤燃烧系统。在降低煤耗、环境保护、减轻劳动强度等方面均起到较好的作用。从目
摘要:抛弃继承行为属于债权人可以撤销的行为,继承一旦开始,被继承人财产上的一切权利义务,除不专属于被继承人的之外,当然的概括的转移与继承人,无需继承人之意思表示。放弃继承行为应该是一种财产行为,而非身份行为,并且对于放弃继承行为,不属于拒绝取得利益的行为。对于放弃继承是否属于拒绝取得利益的行为,实际上是和放弃继承的标的以及遗产所有权的转移时间是密切相关的两个问题。  关键词:放弃继承 债权人   
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在进行内燃机充量更换过程的计算时,精确计算锥形气阀开启截面积是重要的。目前常用近似式有: Meure公式: F_v=π·h·cosθ(D+h·sinθ·cosθ) (1) Reisacher公式: F_v=π
一  因为记性很好,所以当别人在乔希面前提到或者指给她看外班的某个女生时,乔希在第二次看见或碰面时就会记得这个女生。所以乔希是知道那个叫曲筱菲的女生的,她还知道曲筱菲说话做事都属于很合拍的那种,是很讨老师喜欢的学生。但乔希做梦也没想到,因为学校之外的一些事,她会和曲筱菲产生交集。  那天中午放学的时候,在校门口的冷饮厅那,乔希看见曲筱菲在请另外两个女生吃香草味的冰激凌。当曲筱菲调皮地把一块冰激凌抹
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