
来源 :中国神经精神疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wbmissing
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托吡酯(TPM)作为一种新型的、广谱的抗癫癎药,在临床上已得到广泛的应用,它是吡喃果糖氨基磺酸酯,具有阻滞Na+通道,增强GABA介导的抑制作用,阻断谷氨酸介导的神经兴奋作用,影响Cl-膜运转及Ca2+通道阻滞的多重作用机制.众多临床试验表明它对于儿童和成年患者的难治性部分性发作癫癎、全身强直阵挛发作癫癎、少年肌阵挛癫癎以及Lennox-Gastant综合征有效,能有效地控制癫癎发作[1-3].近来其对癫癎患者认知功能的影响引起越来越多的关注,本文试就近年来有关这方面研究的讲展作一综述. rn
Computational models provide additional tools for studying the brain, however, many techniques are cur-rently disconnected from each other. hTere is a need for
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Regenerative medicine has opened a window for functional recovery in acute-to-subacute phase spinal cord injury (SCI). By contrast, there are still only a few s