
来源 :中华医院感染学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmsx
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目的调查神经系统疾病患儿住院期间医院感染状况,并对其相关因素进行分析,为降低医院感染提供依据。方法对临床2008年l月-2011年12月住院期间发生医院感染的神经系统疾病患儿进行回顾性调查,数据用χ2检验判断是否差异有统计学意义。结果 2689例神经系统疾病患儿住院期间,发生医院感染320例、394例次,感染率为11.90%、例次感染率为14.65%,男女性别之间差异无统计学意义;其中以病毒性脑膜炎患儿医院感染率最高,为16.64%;感染部位以上呼吸道感染为主,共123例次占21.22%;其次为胃肠道感染89例次占22.59%;医院感染率与住院时间呈正相关,随住院天数增加,感染率增高;营养状况差、白细胞低下容易引起医院感染。结论神经系统疾病患儿医院感染的发生与疾病类型、住院时间、营养状况、白细胞水平等因素有关,以上呼吸道感染为主,应控制易感因素,降低神经系统疾病患儿的医院感染率。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of nosocomial infections in hospitalized children with neurological diseases and to analyze their related factors so as to provide basis for reducing nosocomial infections. Methods Retrospective investigation was carried out on children with nosocomial diseases with nosocomial infections during hospitalization from January 2008 to December 2011. The data were determined by χ2 test to see if the difference was statistically significant. Results A total of 2689 cases of nosocomial diseases were hospitalized with 320 cases of nosocomial infection and 394 cases of nosocomial infections. The infection rate was 11.90% and the infection rate was 14.65%. There was no significant difference between male and female gender. Among them, Hospital infection rate of infants was the highest, accounting for 16.64%; respiratory tract infections were the most common, with 123 cases accounting for 21.22%; followed by 89 cases of gastrointestinal infections accounting for 22.59%; hospital infection rate and hospitalization time were positively correlated, With the increase in hospital days, the infection rate increased; poor nutritional status, leukopenia easily lead to nosocomial infections. Conclusion The incidence of nosocomial infections in children with neurological diseases is related to the type of disease, length of hospital stay, nutritional status, leukocyte levels and other factors. The upper respiratory tract infection is the main cause. Susceptibility factors should be controlled to reduce the nosocomial infection rate in children with neurological diseases.
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