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现在最红的网络游戏是什么?很多人都会回答《传奇》,而对于《传奇》之父陈天桥的传奇致富经历知道的人却不多。一直以来,与房地产、汽车、金融等行业相比,网络游戏依旧是除了游戏玩家之外很少受到关注的一个产业。根据 CCID 去年的一份统计数据,我国网络游戏市场规模在2002年仅为10.2亿元人民币,2003年预计可以超过20亿元,2005年将达到80亿元。而且,在这个行业里还没有一家叫得响的大企业,更没有知名的企业家或者大富豪。然而在2003年10月份公布的 Now what is the most popular online game? Many people will answer the “legend”, but there are not many people who know the legendary rich experience of the legendary father Chen Tianqiao. Historically, online games have remained a less-favored industry than gamers over real estate, automotive, financial and other industries. According to CCID last year, a statistical data, the size of China’s online game market in 2002 was only 1.02 billion yuan in 2003 is expected to exceed 2 billion yuan in 2005 will reach 8.0 billion. And there’s no big business in this industry, no more famous entrepreneurs or big rich. However, released in October 2003
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